A fella struggles for three years to sell a house... and he finally succeeds... Thinkin' Hoo! Ya! ... I is finally Free of that Ol' anchor!
Not so fast Cowboy... there's a lil' more to this deal...
'Cause he made just one lil' miscalculation... He ain't gettin' loose from that place in just three days!
Uhhhh... Heidi and I just couldn't get motivated back before the closing to get stuff ready... did that before... and all for nuthin'... after two failed deals, I guess our 'confidence level was lacking. So... when we shoulda been sortin' and packin' and haulin'... we was procrastinatin'...
Not a good choice :o)
It seems that gettin' ready... before you need to leave is a pretty good plan! ... sure wish it had been mine! :o)
We were supposed to be cleared out Saturday night at 5pm... Here it is Sunday night... I'm 'bout as wore down as I can get... and still have two piles sittin' in the Ol' shop... One bound for the dump... one for some other place... as soon as I can find a "Some other Place" to put it!
The new owner ain't comin' up from Texas till the middle of March... so I don't think there'll be much difficulty... but I sure want to be done with this... and now, of course, it's snowin'... sheesh!
Two truck loads and we're done... have to put in some time at the hardware store Mon & Tues... Keepin' my fingers crossed for completion, Tuesday afternoon...
... 'cause I've got Tow Vehicles and Motorcycles to hunt up!
Take Good Care
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Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
It ain't over... Till It's Over...
... and we got too much CRAP!
:o) ... Where 'n hell'd it come from? We whittled this junk down hard three years back... cut some more out since...and it's STILL too dang much!
Started out the day finding out that the Eagle just wasn't gonna fit through the hole we needed to pull it through to get to where we'd planned on setting up for a bit...
We actually might have gotten it in... with some considerable gymnastics... but... soon realized, it'd need a heavy lift helicopter or a Crane ta git it back out again! :o)
... so... we hauled back out and we're set up at another friends place... 'bout 6 miles east of the old place... till we figure out what we'll do longer term, while we get organized.
Was a day of Thumps and Bumps... took a header on the ice, while we were still lookin' at gettin' the rig set... jumping back and forth trying to watch both sides while James drove... zzzzzzzpppp! SPLAT! ... my butt tried breakin' the ice in the drive... and didn't succeed...
Then... later on, Terry came over to help Heidi and me try to get stuff and boxes moved... We were luggin' my heavy ... maybe 250 lb layout/cutting table out to the U-Haul to deliver as a B-day present... and... something slipped... not sure which end started fallin' first... but...
The dang thing whacked my knee... making my hide leak... but the most interesting part was that it kinda spun me like one of those OH-Lympic Arialist fellas... Hit my knee so hard it started me spinnin'... at least until my chin hit it! :o) ... my what purty stars!
Spent the rest of the day luggin' the boxes gimpin' an' whinin'...
Good thing Terry Volunteered... 'thout her helpin' we'd be a whole lot farther behind than we are...
But now... I'm bound for bed... plumb tuckered out...
Our First night back in the Eagle... already spent our lil' time settin' on the "Love Seat"...
Oh yeah... it's gonna be Fine!
Heidi and I agree... we're awful happy... but we'll be happier just as soon as we get done ... turnin' over the house to the new owner!...
Hopin' to have the swampin' out done tomorrow... though likely it'll overrun on into Sunday...
That's Life in the West!
Take Good Care
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:o) ... Where 'n hell'd it come from? We whittled this junk down hard three years back... cut some more out since...and it's STILL too dang much!
Started out the day finding out that the Eagle just wasn't gonna fit through the hole we needed to pull it through to get to where we'd planned on setting up for a bit...
We actually might have gotten it in... with some considerable gymnastics... but... soon realized, it'd need a heavy lift helicopter or a Crane ta git it back out again! :o)
... so... we hauled back out and we're set up at another friends place... 'bout 6 miles east of the old place... till we figure out what we'll do longer term, while we get organized.
Was a day of Thumps and Bumps... took a header on the ice, while we were still lookin' at gettin' the rig set... jumping back and forth trying to watch both sides while James drove... zzzzzzzpppp! SPLAT! ... my butt tried breakin' the ice in the drive... and didn't succeed...
Then... later on, Terry came over to help Heidi and me try to get stuff and boxes moved... We were luggin' my heavy ... maybe 250 lb layout/cutting table out to the U-Haul to deliver as a B-day present... and... something slipped... not sure which end started fallin' first... but...
The dang thing whacked my knee... making my hide leak... but the most interesting part was that it kinda spun me like one of those OH-Lympic Arialist fellas... Hit my knee so hard it started me spinnin'... at least until my chin hit it! :o) ... my what purty stars!
Spent the rest of the day luggin' the boxes gimpin' an' whinin'...
Good thing Terry Volunteered... 'thout her helpin' we'd be a whole lot farther behind than we are...
But now... I'm bound for bed... plumb tuckered out...
Our First night back in the Eagle... already spent our lil' time settin' on the "Love Seat"...
Oh yeah... it's gonna be Fine!
Heidi and I agree... we're awful happy... but we'll be happier just as soon as we get done ... turnin' over the house to the new owner!...
Hopin' to have the swampin' out done tomorrow... though likely it'll overrun on into Sunday...
That's Life in the West!
Take Good Care
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Thursday, February 25, 2010
The House Closing is DONE! Hoo! Ya!
FINALLY! The Ordeal is DONE! Hoo! Ya!
We're closed... the ink is dry... the check... such as it is... is Deposited!
NOW... we can start working on the REAL future...
And I have to get back to that... so just this quick post! :o)
Stay Tuned! :o)
Take Good Care
We're closed... the ink is dry... the check... such as it is... is Deposited!
NOW... we can start working on the REAL future...
And I have to get back to that... so just this quick post! :o)
Stay Tuned! :o)
Take Good Care
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Thump Thump Thump Thump...
What the hell is that... Thumpin' ? and it's like... 29 degrees or somethin' outside... how come I'm all sweaty?... and my stomach is like I ate too much double chocolate cake along with a six pack of schlitz!... with all that ridin' on top of a pair of knees wobblin' an' knockin' like the front wheels on an Ol' model T!
Tomorrow morning is the "make it or break it" day... third time 'round... and we never got this close to bein' cut loose... NOW... I'm gettin' cranked up... and seein' boogey men behind ever' tree... :o) ... good thing we've only got a few trees here... and small ones!
Just to keep things "proper" for us... we got warned that it very likely Won't be completed tomorrow... likely run on into Friday... It's a logistics thing...
The Buyer is down in Texas... only, one party is in one part... and another is in another part of Texas... so, the logistics of gettin' paperwork couriered around for signatures... and back here for the closing is juuuuust a mite tight...
I figure, seein' as how it's us in this deal... they figured we needed just one more "Confusion" so we feel "at home"... before we road that rig off down FREEDOM ROAD! HOO! YA! :o)
The only "real" difficulty is... though we've dealt with all the furniture (luckily we had little)... there's still a bunch of the "junk and corruption" sittin' around we've got to get hauled out...
Set up a storage shed yesterday... a friend is comin' over this morning with his truck to haul out Heidi and Bucks' agility field equipment... Rentin' a U-haul this afternoon or in the morning to haul this and that... here and there...
and then... we will be... By God... Gone from here! and ready to start workin' on a future of Shining Times! :o)
Take Good Care
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Tomorrow morning is the "make it or break it" day... third time 'round... and we never got this close to bein' cut loose... NOW... I'm gettin' cranked up... and seein' boogey men behind ever' tree... :o) ... good thing we've only got a few trees here... and small ones!
Just to keep things "proper" for us... we got warned that it very likely Won't be completed tomorrow... likely run on into Friday... It's a logistics thing...
The Buyer is down in Texas... only, one party is in one part... and another is in another part of Texas... so, the logistics of gettin' paperwork couriered around for signatures... and back here for the closing is juuuuust a mite tight...
I figure, seein' as how it's us in this deal... they figured we needed just one more "Confusion" so we feel "at home"... before we road that rig off down FREEDOM ROAD! HOO! YA! :o)
The only "real" difficulty is... though we've dealt with all the furniture (luckily we had little)... there's still a bunch of the "junk and corruption" sittin' around we've got to get hauled out...
Set up a storage shed yesterday... a friend is comin' over this morning with his truck to haul out Heidi and Bucks' agility field equipment... Rentin' a U-haul this afternoon or in the morning to haul this and that... here and there...
and then... we will be... By God... Gone from here! and ready to start workin' on a future of Shining Times! :o)
Take Good Care
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Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Oh Lordy...
I'm Officially in it deep! :o)
Just a couple of days left... we've started receiving mail at the house, from the buyers insurance co. for the buyer! ... That's a "Good Omen"... right? :o)
... lots of the lil' 'tyin' up loose ends' kind of things goin' on... The Road is Opening up in front of us... It's scary, what with the "Money" side having been beat up as much as it has... but... So What?! :o) That's just "stuff" that has to be dealt with...
Heidi and I continue to build on the Opportunity "My Angels" opened up for us last summer... What a glorious Journey this Ol' Buster is on!
and then... This morning, I opened up my mail and had an email from Stephanie, up Washington way... I guess she and her Family have been usin' some of my words and story here, as support and inspiration to follow their own hearts...
Whew!... Don't know whether to be Proud... or scared to death!
My major goal has been, for a goodly while... to get people to choke down their fears and the baloney piled on 'em by other folks about "How you have to live"... and follow their Dreams and their Hearts... and LIVE... How THEY Have to LIVE!
To hear from a Reader, that they're doin' exactly that, is AWESOME... and Terrifyin'... all at the same time...
It's an easy thing to sit here... and spout off to folks I've never met... and most of whom I'll never ever see... about all my "Towering Wisdom." ... If a guy ain't careful... it can cross the line into arrogance...
... It's quite a different deal... when you find out some of those folks are actually listening!
I Try not to mislead or con... but it's a fearful thing at times when you stop and think about the "responsibility" involved when you take the step to tell folks what you "Think You've Learned."
I try... I try hard, to NOT tell people how they Have to Live. That is a decision that only, each individual can, or has the Right to decide...
What I'm hoping... uh... what I'm PRAYING, folks get from my words is simply; The inspiration to have Courage... To summon the Will... To Find Their OWN dreams... To Build Foundations under their Dreams... and To Decide for themselves... How They have to live...
If I succeed in doing that a few times... Lordy! The Boss will have given me an indescribable gift!... and something I could Truly be Proud to boast about! :o)
and on "other" matters... If you can't tell... I've been feeling especially "Windy" lately... so... for medicinal purposes... (to vent off some of the pressure of all those 'words') I just started a blog over on the Motorcycle site... that I'll focus on Biker "Stuff"... for those of you who lean toward Splittin' the Wind on two wheels... check it out when you're of a mind to! :o)
Now... I better get my Windy carcass to work!
Take Good Care
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Just a couple of days left... we've started receiving mail at the house, from the buyers insurance co. for the buyer! ... That's a "Good Omen"... right? :o)
... lots of the lil' 'tyin' up loose ends' kind of things goin' on... The Road is Opening up in front of us... It's scary, what with the "Money" side having been beat up as much as it has... but... So What?! :o) That's just "stuff" that has to be dealt with...
Heidi and I continue to build on the Opportunity "My Angels" opened up for us last summer... What a glorious Journey this Ol' Buster is on!
and then... This morning, I opened up my mail and had an email from Stephanie, up Washington way... I guess she and her Family have been usin' some of my words and story here, as support and inspiration to follow their own hearts...
Whew!... Don't know whether to be Proud... or scared to death!
My major goal has been, for a goodly while... to get people to choke down their fears and the baloney piled on 'em by other folks about "How you have to live"... and follow their Dreams and their Hearts... and LIVE... How THEY Have to LIVE!
To hear from a Reader, that they're doin' exactly that, is AWESOME... and Terrifyin'... all at the same time...
It's an easy thing to sit here... and spout off to folks I've never met... and most of whom I'll never ever see... about all my "Towering Wisdom." ... If a guy ain't careful... it can cross the line into arrogance...
... It's quite a different deal... when you find out some of those folks are actually listening!
I Try not to mislead or con... but it's a fearful thing at times when you stop and think about the "responsibility" involved when you take the step to tell folks what you "Think You've Learned."
I try... I try hard, to NOT tell people how they Have to Live. That is a decision that only, each individual can, or has the Right to decide...
What I'm hoping... uh... what I'm PRAYING, folks get from my words is simply; The inspiration to have Courage... To summon the Will... To Find Their OWN dreams... To Build Foundations under their Dreams... and To Decide for themselves... How They have to live...
If I succeed in doing that a few times... Lordy! The Boss will have given me an indescribable gift!... and something I could Truly be Proud to boast about! :o)
and on "other" matters... If you can't tell... I've been feeling especially "Windy" lately... so... for medicinal purposes... (to vent off some of the pressure of all those 'words') I just started a blog over on the Motorcycle site... that I'll focus on Biker "Stuff"... for those of you who lean toward Splittin' the Wind on two wheels... check it out when you're of a mind to! :o)
Now... I better get my Windy carcass to work!
Take Good Care
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Monday, February 22, 2010
The Sun is Shining On Goin' RV Boondocking!
I feel like I'm walkin' on eggs... 3 days an' a wake up... and that Ol' Monkey is off our backs! :o) and we do our "Closing"...
I just keep waitin' for the ambush! :o) ...
But... I got up this morning, and after the snow of the last few days...which don't help packin' an' gettin' the rig ready to move!... the Sun is Shining awful purty on the Front Range...
Heidi and I went over yesterday... to scout out the place we're gonna set up for a couple months and start our "Rebuild". It's the same place we went back in the summer of '07 when we 'thought' we were leavin'! Though... this time we'll be parkin' out back... out against a windbreak of trees...out behind a shed or two...
It'll basically be about 1/2 a "boondock" camp... power plug-in but no other hookups... so we'll be gettin' back into our boondockers routine dang quick, where it comes to water and such! and havin' a power hookup will be a good thing for ridin' out the remainder of a Colorado Winter...
But the price is right... the location is convenient, especially for Heidi and her store... there's room for me to work on things... and privacy... so a good deal all around.
People keep askin'; "Are you gettin' excited?" ... and we reply; "Tryin' hard not to... been here before!" :o) .... buuuuuut...
Come Friday morning... and it's an accomplished fact... I'll be... grinnin' and punchin' the air... Hoo! Ya!... Right after... I get off my knees from sayin'; "Thank you Boss... THANK YOU!"
Take Good Care
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I just keep waitin' for the ambush! :o) ...
But... I got up this morning, and after the snow of the last few days...which don't help packin' an' gettin' the rig ready to move!... the Sun is Shining awful purty on the Front Range...
Heidi and I went over yesterday... to scout out the place we're gonna set up for a couple months and start our "Rebuild". It's the same place we went back in the summer of '07 when we 'thought' we were leavin'! Though... this time we'll be parkin' out back... out against a windbreak of trees...out behind a shed or two...
It'll basically be about 1/2 a "boondock" camp... power plug-in but no other hookups... so we'll be gettin' back into our boondockers routine dang quick, where it comes to water and such! and havin' a power hookup will be a good thing for ridin' out the remainder of a Colorado Winter...
But the price is right... the location is convenient, especially for Heidi and her store... there's room for me to work on things... and privacy... so a good deal all around.
People keep askin'; "Are you gettin' excited?" ... and we reply; "Tryin' hard not to... been here before!" :o) .... buuuuuut...
Come Friday morning... and it's an accomplished fact... I'll be... grinnin' and punchin' the air... Hoo! Ya!... Right after... I get off my knees from sayin'; "Thank you Boss... THANK YOU!"
Take Good Care
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Sunday, February 21, 2010
Live a Life of RV Boondocking Adventure!
... or whatever other "Flavor" of Adventure puts a wiggle in your git-along!
I'm gettin' the sensation that a lot of folks just ain't listenin' to a word this Ol' word wrangler says!
I hardly get through a week that I don't get some sort of a message from somebody, that I'm gonna get whacked, either by my motorcycle... or the lack of some carefulness to insulate my butt from some imagined danger...
I've flat lost count of all the folks that keep batterin' me with how that motorcycle is gonna be the death of me... really?
I've had more than one friend sent to the great mystery... one in a pickup... a couple in cars... gunfire, booze... NOT ONE... on a Motorcycle...
So... Uh... Give it a rest!
I have never and don't expect I ever will, give a hang for when the grim reaper comes to do his dirty deed... I do intend to thump that carnivorous buzzard, without mercy, 'bout the head and shoulders, when he arrives... and go down fightin'...
... but when he comes, he comes... and there ain't one blessed thing I can do to make him seek other employment...
I swear... everywhere I look I see nuthin' but people runnin' round tryin' to find that 'special' padding to line the closet they live in... so they won't take up the space for their air purifier... their vitamins, heavy metal water filter... insurance papers, their bullet proof jammies, Carbon Monoxide detector/fire alarm, fire extinguisher, and the phone book full of emergency numbers... not to mention their calendar with the dates of this quarters list of their annual medical 'tests', a respirator, and their two cell phones!
... One for back up of course... You have to be careful you know!
Oh yeah... why the padding?
... so they won't get a bruise, if they trip over all the other junk they burden their life with, in their impotent struggle to protect themselves from all the imagined, or real, boogey men that are out to get 'em... and bounce off the wall!
Looky here... Let's put this into juuuust a mite of context... OK?
When mr. obama and all his special federal agents, your 17 doctors, insurance agent, mechanic, seat belt, automatic obstacle sensors, motion detector alarm system, depends (that you got on sale), local police men, Verizon automatic reminder, firemen, personal bodyguard... and all the other 493 people you set up to protect you... along with your plumber... get done doin' their jobs...
... you know what happens?... Uh Huh... They put you in a box and throw dirt in your face... unless of course... you opt for the BBQ!
I have never worried, but little, 'bout how MANY days I could squeeze out of this life... That has never been my concern... it's a useless enterprise... and consumes the days you DO have.
... That's like trying to outrun a meteor!
My interest has always been in finding the ways to squeeze all the juice out of the days I have. I'd much rather Live a hundred joyous, wondrous days; and go out in a busted broken, battered Ol' wreck of a carcass... than EXIST 31,425 safe, protected, 24 hour, monotonies... and go out in a pristine, un-dented, UNUSED, body...
... did you notice... no matter How you LIVE... Wild and Wooly, with a BIG OL' Droolin' Grin hangin' on your silly face... or safe and careful... you still end up... DEAD!
Now... if worryin' all your life is how you want to spend your treasures... go for it...
But I for one adhere to Gus's sentiments; "It ain't dyin' I'm talkin' about... it's LIVIN!"
So many people spend so much time... frettin' 'bout just how, and when, it's all gonna come screechin' to an end, or how much 'Time' they might could add with juuuust this one more layer of carefulness... that they miss the LIFE they DID HAVE!
Quit it! ... Pull on your boots... Put your keys in the ignition... fire up that Ol' smoke belchin' monster from Detroit City... and git your butt down the Road!... RV Boondocking... Road Trippin'... Up to some Trailhead to Hike through the High up and Lonesome... To the Lake where that Monster Bass is awaitin' your hook!... To the girly shows in Vegas! :o)... pssst! kin' I ride along? :o)
Heck... you could even go bungie jumping!... The only reason I don't is that the only thing holdin' my head on... is the skin on my neck!... I hit the end of that rubber rope and that sucker'd pop off like the tennis ball poppin' out of that thrower gizmo Heidi has for her dogs!
Come on People!... LIVE! ... Do It NOW!
Don't be the cranky Ol' buzzard sittin' in the Old folks home with no stories to tell your companions; well, except for that exciting gall bladder surgery!
No Sir! Be the one makin' the jaws drop with stories of a LIFETIME of adventures... "Running Against the Wind"!
Take Good Care
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I'm gettin' the sensation that a lot of folks just ain't listenin' to a word this Ol' word wrangler says!
I hardly get through a week that I don't get some sort of a message from somebody, that I'm gonna get whacked, either by my motorcycle... or the lack of some carefulness to insulate my butt from some imagined danger...
I've flat lost count of all the folks that keep batterin' me with how that motorcycle is gonna be the death of me... really?
I've had more than one friend sent to the great mystery... one in a pickup... a couple in cars... gunfire, booze... NOT ONE... on a Motorcycle...
So... Uh... Give it a rest!
I have never and don't expect I ever will, give a hang for when the grim reaper comes to do his dirty deed... I do intend to thump that carnivorous buzzard, without mercy, 'bout the head and shoulders, when he arrives... and go down fightin'...
... but when he comes, he comes... and there ain't one blessed thing I can do to make him seek other employment...
I swear... everywhere I look I see nuthin' but people runnin' round tryin' to find that 'special' padding to line the closet they live in... so they won't take up the space for their air purifier... their vitamins, heavy metal water filter... insurance papers, their bullet proof jammies, Carbon Monoxide detector/fire alarm, fire extinguisher, and the phone book full of emergency numbers... not to mention their calendar with the dates of this quarters list of their annual medical 'tests', a respirator, and their two cell phones!
... One for back up of course... You have to be careful you know!
Oh yeah... why the padding?
... so they won't get a bruise, if they trip over all the other junk they burden their life with, in their impotent struggle to protect themselves from all the imagined, or real, boogey men that are out to get 'em... and bounce off the wall!
Looky here... Let's put this into juuuust a mite of context... OK?
When mr. obama and all his special federal agents, your 17 doctors, insurance agent, mechanic, seat belt, automatic obstacle sensors, motion detector alarm system, depends (that you got on sale), local police men, Verizon automatic reminder, firemen, personal bodyguard... and all the other 493 people you set up to protect you... along with your plumber... get done doin' their jobs...
... you know what happens?... Uh Huh... They put you in a box and throw dirt in your face... unless of course... you opt for the BBQ!
I have never worried, but little, 'bout how MANY days I could squeeze out of this life... That has never been my concern... it's a useless enterprise... and consumes the days you DO have.
... That's like trying to outrun a meteor!
My interest has always been in finding the ways to squeeze all the juice out of the days I have. I'd much rather Live a hundred joyous, wondrous days; and go out in a busted broken, battered Ol' wreck of a carcass... than EXIST 31,425 safe, protected, 24 hour, monotonies... and go out in a pristine, un-dented, UNUSED, body...
... did you notice... no matter How you LIVE... Wild and Wooly, with a BIG OL' Droolin' Grin hangin' on your silly face... or safe and careful... you still end up... DEAD!
Now... if worryin' all your life is how you want to spend your treasures... go for it...
But I for one adhere to Gus's sentiments; "It ain't dyin' I'm talkin' about... it's LIVIN!"
So many people spend so much time... frettin' 'bout just how, and when, it's all gonna come screechin' to an end, or how much 'Time' they might could add with juuuust this one more layer of carefulness... that they miss the LIFE they DID HAVE!
Quit it! ... Pull on your boots... Put your keys in the ignition... fire up that Ol' smoke belchin' monster from Detroit City... and git your butt down the Road!... RV Boondocking... Road Trippin'... Up to some Trailhead to Hike through the High up and Lonesome... To the Lake where that Monster Bass is awaitin' your hook!... To the girly shows in Vegas! :o)... pssst! kin' I ride along? :o)
Heck... you could even go bungie jumping!... The only reason I don't is that the only thing holdin' my head on... is the skin on my neck!... I hit the end of that rubber rope and that sucker'd pop off like the tennis ball poppin' out of that thrower gizmo Heidi has for her dogs!
Come on People!... LIVE! ... Do It NOW!
Don't be the cranky Ol' buzzard sittin' in the Old folks home with no stories to tell your companions; well, except for that exciting gall bladder surgery!
No Sir! Be the one makin' the jaws drop with stories of a LIFETIME of adventures... "Running Against the Wind"!
Take Good Care
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Saturday, February 20, 2010
Building a New RV Tow Vehicle for RV Boondocking the Good Life
I'm workin' on the "concept" for our "New" RV Tow Vehicle... Version # 3
Having tossed around every possible variation, size and variety of RV and Tow Vehicle, we decided some time ago to just stay with our Ol' Jayco Eagle Fifth Wheel...
Uh... the fact that I've been doin' some little RV remodel on it the past couple months, as time and pocket money allowed, kinda makes that part obvious... don't it! :o)
Part of that choice was simple economics, part was emotion, and part was puttin' all the pieces of "our way" on a piece of paper and makin' the decision that the way we've done for the last, near 10 years, is still the best "way" for us... An RV Tow Vehicle truck and Fifth wheel.
So, with that part already decided, and having been forced into lettin' our '06 Cummins, Big Red, go last summer... in the interest of dancing around increasing financial distress... we're needful of replacin' that truck...
The RV Remodel on the Eagle won't be much good... without a truck to haul her down the road.
Been lookin' all over... from here east into Nebraska...and west all the way to Arizona and Nevada tryin' to get up to speed on the prices and what seems to be available...
We tossed around for a lil' while, goin' to an MDT... which I've decided against... for a 'future' reason...
That takes me... full circuit through motorhomes and MDT's right straight back to what suits me the most... a Dodge, 3500 Cummins...
But... our "Way" has still changed a touch... Heidi gettin' attracted to splittin' the wind, "Ridin' her own" creates the desire to have a place to haul TWO motorcycles on ONE fifth Wheel rig...
Oh... I can hear the squallin' now!... "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" ...
That's what I keep hearin' 'bout my fifth wheel to gooseneck hitch conversion... though I've never seen a single rig broke by the conversion... (People say you can't but can never SHOW why) The only damage I've ever seen was from gross overloading of the trailer... which would have busted with either hitch... I've hauled this trailer with that heavy battery bank up front for nigh on to 50,000 miles... and 10,000+ with the Yamaha hangin' back there... and haven't even blown a tire... so they were wrong...
... 'Course... the people squallin' the loudest... hadn't ever tried it their ownselves... and couldn't say exactly why I couldn't.
... just that I couldn't...
With some careful cipherin'... lots of sketchin' a couple of upgrades... and a whole lot of failure free miles, on less than pristine roads later... They were wrong... and they'll be wrong this time too! :o)
Folks just hate it when bald headed Ol' pussgut geezers DO... What You Can't Do! :o)
But looky here, I got the idea from my own brain...
Yeah... I know that's a scary thought... but give it time...
Soon after I came up with this lil' idea... John Davidson sent me word 'bout the rig he built something like 16 years ago... that's just almost exactly the rig I'm talkin' 'bout.
He kicked the hitch back about a foot for swing clearance... just like I'm needful of doin'. In my lookin' around, I've found several rigs that have been set up that way... As long as you stay within reason, support with proper suspension... don't exceed your capacities... get the total load properly balanced...
... It's a goin' concern! :o)
So... now armed with the knowledge that a few good Ol' Boys had already done it... done it well... and it worked fine, I kept my schemin' parts simmerin'.
... and found a couple of things... One... an outfit down Texas way that builds some sweet Fiberglass sleepers... at a real reasonable price... ('cause the Pups need a proper place to ride!) Here's a flavor of what I'm schemin'...

It's not 'zactly what I'm workin' on... some access door changes and other bits... but you can get a purty good idea...
and second... a Truck... over to Greeley... that started out life in 2001 as a Dodge Cummins chassis cab... with the longer frame under a Regular Cab... (a bit longer than that'n in the picture)
I'm just hopin' that it'll hang on and not get itself sold... before I'm able to line up my Ducks!
This time around... I'll be workin' to do ever'thing... cash money... No New Debt means the man ain't got that stick to beat me with...
... as I stomp on the throttle rollin' past the Gov't buildings... Turnin' that Thunderin' Cummins loose, pattin' my cute lil' senior kiester... an' blowin' him kisses! :o)
OOPS! ... :o)
Guess I'm a baaaad, baaaaad cowboy!
Take Good Care
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Having tossed around every possible variation, size and variety of RV and Tow Vehicle, we decided some time ago to just stay with our Ol' Jayco Eagle Fifth Wheel...
Uh... the fact that I've been doin' some little RV remodel on it the past couple months, as time and pocket money allowed, kinda makes that part obvious... don't it! :o)
Part of that choice was simple economics, part was emotion, and part was puttin' all the pieces of "our way" on a piece of paper and makin' the decision that the way we've done for the last, near 10 years, is still the best "way" for us... An RV Tow Vehicle truck and Fifth wheel.
So, with that part already decided, and having been forced into lettin' our '06 Cummins, Big Red, go last summer... in the interest of dancing around increasing financial distress... we're needful of replacin' that truck...
The RV Remodel on the Eagle won't be much good... without a truck to haul her down the road.
Been lookin' all over... from here east into Nebraska...and west all the way to Arizona and Nevada tryin' to get up to speed on the prices and what seems to be available...
We tossed around for a lil' while, goin' to an MDT... which I've decided against... for a 'future' reason...
That takes me... full circuit through motorhomes and MDT's right straight back to what suits me the most... a Dodge, 3500 Cummins...
But... our "Way" has still changed a touch... Heidi gettin' attracted to splittin' the wind, "Ridin' her own" creates the desire to have a place to haul TWO motorcycles on ONE fifth Wheel rig...
Oh... I can hear the squallin' now!... "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" ...
That's what I keep hearin' 'bout my fifth wheel to gooseneck hitch conversion... though I've never seen a single rig broke by the conversion... (People say you can't but can never SHOW why) The only damage I've ever seen was from gross overloading of the trailer... which would have busted with either hitch... I've hauled this trailer with that heavy battery bank up front for nigh on to 50,000 miles... and 10,000+ with the Yamaha hangin' back there... and haven't even blown a tire... so they were wrong...
... 'Course... the people squallin' the loudest... hadn't ever tried it their ownselves... and couldn't say exactly why I couldn't.
... just that I couldn't...
With some careful cipherin'... lots of sketchin' a couple of upgrades... and a whole lot of failure free miles, on less than pristine roads later... They were wrong... and they'll be wrong this time too! :o)
Folks just hate it when bald headed Ol' pussgut geezers DO... What You Can't Do! :o)
But looky here, I got the idea from my own brain...
Yeah... I know that's a scary thought... but give it time...
Soon after I came up with this lil' idea... John Davidson sent me word 'bout the rig he built something like 16 years ago... that's just almost exactly the rig I'm talkin' 'bout.
He kicked the hitch back about a foot for swing clearance... just like I'm needful of doin'. In my lookin' around, I've found several rigs that have been set up that way... As long as you stay within reason, support with proper suspension... don't exceed your capacities... get the total load properly balanced...
... It's a goin' concern! :o)
So... now armed with the knowledge that a few good Ol' Boys had already done it... done it well... and it worked fine, I kept my schemin' parts simmerin'.
... and found a couple of things... One... an outfit down Texas way that builds some sweet Fiberglass sleepers... at a real reasonable price... ('cause the Pups need a proper place to ride!) Here's a flavor of what I'm schemin'...

It's not 'zactly what I'm workin' on... some access door changes and other bits... but you can get a purty good idea...
and second... a Truck... over to Greeley... that started out life in 2001 as a Dodge Cummins chassis cab... with the longer frame under a Regular Cab... (a bit longer than that'n in the picture)
I'm just hopin' that it'll hang on and not get itself sold... before I'm able to line up my Ducks!
This time around... I'll be workin' to do ever'thing... cash money... No New Debt means the man ain't got that stick to beat me with...
... as I stomp on the throttle rollin' past the Gov't buildings... Turnin' that Thunderin' Cummins loose, pattin' my cute lil' senior kiester... an' blowin' him kisses! :o)
OOPS! ... :o)
Guess I'm a baaaad, baaaaad cowboy!
Take Good Care
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Friday, February 19, 2010
Why Me?
Are you one of the one's that thinks you've gotten a "Raw Deal"? The whole dang world seems like it's out to "Get" you?
Me too! The whole of Creation is bein' mean to me!
Three years ago... we had a house on the market... worth $100,000 more than now... We had a shiny Big Red truck... a store making probably 25% more than it is today... and a Dream... a Dream of a better life...
Things were looking fine...
and then... our life slowly started coming apart...
over those last few years it all came crashing down... bits and pieces got consumed... Our fall accelerated until last spring... I pretty much imploded from all that and 'other' stuff I'd been carrying around for too long... It all landed on me so hard I pretty nearly... went under...
The world was bein' purty darn cruel to me... Boo Hoo... Why Me?
... Or ...
Was my perception of what'd been happening all wrong?
Is the Truth maybe... that I have been, just a little, and foolishly... Hypocritical?
What a Fool I was...
I talk, and write, about not being focused on things and possessions... but rather, on those closest to us and philosophy.
But, what have I been doing?... Yup... That's right... wasting too many good years, and waaaaay to much LIFE... defending *THINGS* not truly worthy of defense!
Worryin' about THINGS!
Talk about Talkin' the Talk... and Walkin'... uh ... somewhere else!
Hell... If we'd just walked out the door, drove away... and never looked back, three years ago... as far as dollars are concerned... we'd be ahead right now! :o) so... all that time and tears foolishly invested in that 'defense' was... NOT invested, but simply more GOOD LIFE poured down a hole... after previously Wasted GOOD LIFE!
and Why?.. 'cause the world is picking on me? 'cause ever'body's bein' mean to me?
... How about... 'cause it was the only way for LIFE to get it's point thumped through that thick skull I walk around with under my hat!
... and some might want to spell LIFE... The BOSS :o) ... though others use other names...
But the fact is... for me to get to where I am right here today... the difficulty I've rode through was required. I never could have gained the perspective I have now... without the "Class Time" the Boss has given me these past years... geeze... talk 'bout slow learners!
Am I worse off than I was three years ago?
If an accountant penciled it out on paper, he'd sure as the Devil say I was... and he'd be 100%... 180 degrees... absolutely, Chrome plated... WRONG!
'Cause sayin' that me havin' less money, is makin' me worse off, is like sayin' if I have less Bacteria... I'm less healthy! :o)
Fact is... I've NEVER been Stronger in my whole Wandering Life! Stronger in the things that count.
Those things that are truly important are as clear to me now as the booming of Thunder in the Rockies in a summer storm
They sparkle like the High Mountain air at sunrise.. like the Gros Vente River in Wyoming... The awesome spiritual feast you get when you sit for a while on the Rim of the Grand Canyon...
You know what I'm talkin' 'bout... It's that feeling you get when your best friend that you haven't seen in weeks, walks into a room... when you wake in the middle of the night and the only thing you can hear is the breathing of your wife beside you...
Now... other things don't change... and Never Will...
... The System continues to try and whup me... What's new? It always has... it always will... THAT is what it does... Ticks parasitize their hosts and our wonderful 'system' leaches off us... It is what it is.
Few days seem to go by without some sort of slap from a cannibalistic 'system'...
A Tick bites me... I pluck that sucker off...
The problem for the 'system' is... I SEE IT bitin' me! Its' slaps have little force with me any more... ans I find it ever easier to deflect the slaps. When I find something it uses for a stick to whup me with... I find a way for ME to either take control of that 'something'... or I cut it loose.
Once you realize that most ever'thing that "Big Tick" is trying to hook you with has little intrinsic value... and none of it is worth losin' a moments sleep over... The 'System' finds it a pretty tough sell to get you to suffer along to defend it! :o)
Look around... if that THING ain't servin' you... then YOU are SERVING IT! ...
Don't know 'bout you... but bein' subservient to what should be a tool... is NOT my Idea of Freedom, or Joy... and sure as Hell is Hot... It ain't... SHINING TIMES!
You get to that point and the calm is pretty rewarding... I just don't get cranked up over things I can't control any more... Mostly I just shrug and grin... give a lil' wave and say... "So Long Sparky!"
What I, truly, clearly, understand now... is that THINGS are only tools to build Dreams with... easily replaceable at the worst ... or pretty easy to simply do without if necessary...
If you can't climb over the mountain... you can tunnel under... walk around... or hop a ride on a bus!
There's no shortage of ways to get where you're goin'... and I've heard it said several ways in just the last few days...
... "The destination doesn't matter much... it's the Journey that counts."
... and just this Morning... Tiger woods said what he'd been taught... "It's not what you achieve in life that counts... it's what you over come."
Now... for sure and for certain... The wounds Tiger inflicted on himself are vastly bigger than anything this Ol' Cowboy has done to himself...
and you know what? If he can stand up in front of the world and say; I and no one else, is responsible for my own life, and my own mistakes, so can I ... and so can YOU!
What's all this wind about today?
Lately, I've heard too many people sayin' they'd have to give it up... put their Dreams on hold... "Till times are better." That they'd been knocked down too hard to get back up...
THAT is what the GOL DANG system is shootin' for! It wants you to quit... to give up... to bamboozle you into bein' an obedient servant... SERVING IT...
That is willingly putting the power over your life, in someone elses's hands... to say "someone else" knocked you down is to say; "I Don't own my own life... I don't control my own life." ... and that is just wrong... maybe it's hard nosed but, we make our own beds...
If someone puts us on the ground... it's 'cause WE gave 'em the club to hit us with... to beat us into quittin'. It's up to us to make a fresh "bed" with Clean Sheets! ... only this time... make that bed with sheets... YOU OWN.
Learn from what you did wrong the first... or second... or third time around... If it didn't work the first two or three times, wanna take bets on how likely success with the same method is gonna be this time? :o)
Quit listening to the 'system' and start listening to your own heart... your own instincts... and just 'cause somebody else wouldn't do things "That Way"... why should that have anything to do with what YOU would do?
Just look at 'em and say; "Damn! That's exactly what I thought when I looked at YOUR life!" :o)
I say... YOU are a lot greater asset, to the planet, to society... to the Boss... and to YOURSELF... as a joy filled, creative, Dreamer... Serving Yourself! ... than you'll ever be as an obedient servant.
Take Good Care
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Me too! The whole of Creation is bein' mean to me!
Three years ago... we had a house on the market... worth $100,000 more than now... We had a shiny Big Red truck... a store making probably 25% more than it is today... and a Dream... a Dream of a better life...
Things were looking fine...
and then... our life slowly started coming apart...
over those last few years it all came crashing down... bits and pieces got consumed... Our fall accelerated until last spring... I pretty much imploded from all that and 'other' stuff I'd been carrying around for too long... It all landed on me so hard I pretty nearly... went under...
The world was bein' purty darn cruel to me... Boo Hoo... Why Me?
... Or ...
Was my perception of what'd been happening all wrong?
Is the Truth maybe... that I have been, just a little, and foolishly... Hypocritical?
What a Fool I was...
I talk, and write, about not being focused on things and possessions... but rather, on those closest to us and philosophy.
But, what have I been doing?... Yup... That's right... wasting too many good years, and waaaaay to much LIFE... defending *THINGS* not truly worthy of defense!
Worryin' about THINGS!
Talk about Talkin' the Talk... and Walkin'... uh ... somewhere else!
Hell... If we'd just walked out the door, drove away... and never looked back, three years ago... as far as dollars are concerned... we'd be ahead right now! :o) so... all that time and tears foolishly invested in that 'defense' was... NOT invested, but simply more GOOD LIFE poured down a hole... after previously Wasted GOOD LIFE!
and Why?.. 'cause the world is picking on me? 'cause ever'body's bein' mean to me?
... How about... 'cause it was the only way for LIFE to get it's point thumped through that thick skull I walk around with under my hat!
... and some might want to spell LIFE... The BOSS :o) ... though others use other names...
But the fact is... for me to get to where I am right here today... the difficulty I've rode through was required. I never could have gained the perspective I have now... without the "Class Time" the Boss has given me these past years... geeze... talk 'bout slow learners!
Am I worse off than I was three years ago?
If an accountant penciled it out on paper, he'd sure as the Devil say I was... and he'd be 100%... 180 degrees... absolutely, Chrome plated... WRONG!
'Cause sayin' that me havin' less money, is makin' me worse off, is like sayin' if I have less Bacteria... I'm less healthy! :o)
Fact is... I've NEVER been Stronger in my whole Wandering Life! Stronger in the things that count.
Those things that are truly important are as clear to me now as the booming of Thunder in the Rockies in a summer storm
They sparkle like the High Mountain air at sunrise.. like the Gros Vente River in Wyoming... The awesome spiritual feast you get when you sit for a while on the Rim of the Grand Canyon...
You know what I'm talkin' 'bout... It's that feeling you get when your best friend that you haven't seen in weeks, walks into a room... when you wake in the middle of the night and the only thing you can hear is the breathing of your wife beside you...
Now... other things don't change... and Never Will...
... The System continues to try and whup me... What's new? It always has... it always will... THAT is what it does... Ticks parasitize their hosts and our wonderful 'system' leaches off us... It is what it is.
Few days seem to go by without some sort of slap from a cannibalistic 'system'...
A Tick bites me... I pluck that sucker off...
The problem for the 'system' is... I SEE IT bitin' me! Its' slaps have little force with me any more... ans I find it ever easier to deflect the slaps. When I find something it uses for a stick to whup me with... I find a way for ME to either take control of that 'something'... or I cut it loose.
Once you realize that most ever'thing that "Big Tick" is trying to hook you with has little intrinsic value... and none of it is worth losin' a moments sleep over... The 'System' finds it a pretty tough sell to get you to suffer along to defend it! :o)
Look around... if that THING ain't servin' you... then YOU are SERVING IT! ...
Don't know 'bout you... but bein' subservient to what should be a tool... is NOT my Idea of Freedom, or Joy... and sure as Hell is Hot... It ain't... SHINING TIMES!
You get to that point and the calm is pretty rewarding... I just don't get cranked up over things I can't control any more... Mostly I just shrug and grin... give a lil' wave and say... "So Long Sparky!"
What I, truly, clearly, understand now... is that THINGS are only tools to build Dreams with... easily replaceable at the worst ... or pretty easy to simply do without if necessary...
If you can't climb over the mountain... you can tunnel under... walk around... or hop a ride on a bus!
There's no shortage of ways to get where you're goin'... and I've heard it said several ways in just the last few days...
... "The destination doesn't matter much... it's the Journey that counts."
... and just this Morning... Tiger woods said what he'd been taught... "It's not what you achieve in life that counts... it's what you over come."
Now... for sure and for certain... The wounds Tiger inflicted on himself are vastly bigger than anything this Ol' Cowboy has done to himself...
and you know what? If he can stand up in front of the world and say; I and no one else, is responsible for my own life, and my own mistakes, so can I ... and so can YOU!
What's all this wind about today?
Lately, I've heard too many people sayin' they'd have to give it up... put their Dreams on hold... "Till times are better." That they'd been knocked down too hard to get back up...
THAT is what the GOL DANG system is shootin' for! It wants you to quit... to give up... to bamboozle you into bein' an obedient servant... SERVING IT...
That is willingly putting the power over your life, in someone elses's hands... to say "someone else" knocked you down is to say; "I Don't own my own life... I don't control my own life." ... and that is just wrong... maybe it's hard nosed but, we make our own beds...
If someone puts us on the ground... it's 'cause WE gave 'em the club to hit us with... to beat us into quittin'. It's up to us to make a fresh "bed" with Clean Sheets! ... only this time... make that bed with sheets... YOU OWN.
Learn from what you did wrong the first... or second... or third time around... If it didn't work the first two or three times, wanna take bets on how likely success with the same method is gonna be this time? :o)
Quit listening to the 'system' and start listening to your own heart... your own instincts... and just 'cause somebody else wouldn't do things "That Way"... why should that have anything to do with what YOU would do?
Just look at 'em and say; "Damn! That's exactly what I thought when I looked at YOUR life!" :o)
I say... YOU are a lot greater asset, to the planet, to society... to the Boss... and to YOURSELF... as a joy filled, creative, Dreamer... Serving Yourself! ... than you'll ever be as an obedient servant.
Take Good Care
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Workin' on the RV Remodel Today
Though most of the 'small' parts of the RV Remodel have been forced into suspension by our House 'Deal'... and I ain't complainin'!... We were still needin' to get the major part complete... since in 7 Days an' a Wake up... we'll be needful of livin' back in the Eagle again! Hoo Ya! :0)
I've given up for the time being on tryin' to 'seam' that Vinyl Cove Base... There just ain't a dang thing that'll stick to it! I've tried, gorilla glue, polyurethane adhesive, high grade silicone, PVC cement... Not one dang thing would hold... so to heck with it...
I just screwed the Base in place using automotive trim screws...

The seams aren't perfect... but they'll do for the girls I dance with... and if I ever do come across a way to make a tight seam... I can always punch it in there... for now... It'll hold just fine.

Soon as I got that bit done I broke down my Ol' Oak Desk inside and carried the bits out to the Eagle... and put 'em back together...

Kind of hard to get an angle to show ever'thing... but it fits pretty nice... and right about then I found another lil' "Issue"...
Remember that low wall... with the spindles on it that separated my old desk and the old jacknife couch?... I knew it didn't support the roof at all... but now I've discovered what it did support! :0)
Uh... the floor!
When you pull the slide all the way in... the center of the floor flops some lil' bit... It used to be held up by that wall screwed to it... now that 12' span lets it wiggle a bit... Since that floor is just a very thick piece of plywood, there isn't the structure to span 12' all by itself... Imagine that... Doh!
No biggie... I'm just going to have to build a 'shoe' to slide under there for support when we're hauling... just to keep things honest... :0) When the slide is extended no problem... that floor locks into place and is solid...
Some of the 'filler' furniture is gone from the house now... a few things left to do... have to haul our few remaining boxes and such to a smaller storage space than last time...
Then we've got a friend lined up to move the Eagle to our 'temporary' camp... where we'll spend the following few weeks/months in our "Reconstruction" mode...
We'll be diving in to Setting up our "New" Tow Vehicle, rebuilding bruised finances, shining up this and that... sorting out plans for the future... of which I've got plenty! :0)
... Like that's a surprise right?... any Cowboy... young rooster... or old, busted up, bald headed geezer... that tells you he; "ain't schemin' on nuthin' a'tall!"... is lyin' through his teeth!
Truth is, what he's tellin' you is that he's darn sure cookin' up somethin' ... and YOU are part of the scheme... so he's keepin' it quiet, till you're trapped in solid! :0)
Yes sir... things are movin' along... and progress is comin'... I just hope that bright light... ain't a Freightliner... or the Boss comin' early! :0)
Take Good Care
I've given up for the time being on tryin' to 'seam' that Vinyl Cove Base... There just ain't a dang thing that'll stick to it! I've tried, gorilla glue, polyurethane adhesive, high grade silicone, PVC cement... Not one dang thing would hold... so to heck with it...
I just screwed the Base in place using automotive trim screws...
The seams aren't perfect... but they'll do for the girls I dance with... and if I ever do come across a way to make a tight seam... I can always punch it in there... for now... It'll hold just fine.
Soon as I got that bit done I broke down my Ol' Oak Desk inside and carried the bits out to the Eagle... and put 'em back together...
Kind of hard to get an angle to show ever'thing... but it fits pretty nice... and right about then I found another lil' "Issue"...
Remember that low wall... with the spindles on it that separated my old desk and the old jacknife couch?... I knew it didn't support the roof at all... but now I've discovered what it did support! :0)
Uh... the floor!
When you pull the slide all the way in... the center of the floor flops some lil' bit... It used to be held up by that wall screwed to it... now that 12' span lets it wiggle a bit... Since that floor is just a very thick piece of plywood, there isn't the structure to span 12' all by itself... Imagine that... Doh!
No biggie... I'm just going to have to build a 'shoe' to slide under there for support when we're hauling... just to keep things honest... :0) When the slide is extended no problem... that floor locks into place and is solid...
Some of the 'filler' furniture is gone from the house now... a few things left to do... have to haul our few remaining boxes and such to a smaller storage space than last time...
Then we've got a friend lined up to move the Eagle to our 'temporary' camp... where we'll spend the following few weeks/months in our "Reconstruction" mode...
We'll be diving in to Setting up our "New" Tow Vehicle, rebuilding bruised finances, shining up this and that... sorting out plans for the future... of which I've got plenty! :0)
... Like that's a surprise right?... any Cowboy... young rooster... or old, busted up, bald headed geezer... that tells you he; "ain't schemin' on nuthin' a'tall!"... is lyin' through his teeth!
Truth is, what he's tellin' you is that he's darn sure cookin' up somethin' ... and YOU are part of the scheme... so he's keepin' it quiet, till you're trapped in solid! :0)
Yes sir... things are movin' along... and progress is comin'... I just hope that bright light... ain't a Freightliner... or the Boss comin' early! :0)
Take Good Care
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
clooooser.... cloooooser...... scarrrrrrier.... scarrrrrier!
Be vewy, vewy quiet! :-) 8 Days an' a wakeup till the house closing! but shhhhhh... don't tell no-one!
I'm jumpier than one of those frogs down to chucky cheese! I flinch ever' time I hear a noise! :-)
It's like bein' a lil' kid in a tent out in the woods... listening and shivering at every footstep, of ever' lil' cricket, wanderin' through the bushes...
I'm gonna be one tired ol' geezer when this is done!
Day full of runnin' errands today... the hardware store cut hours... again... down to near nothin' now. Makes things tight... but... expected...
Employers are in the same category as lawyers and politicians in "My World"... "Too leaky a Vessel to put much faith in"... -Gus McCrae
So anyhoo... I'm gonna be runnin' nine-oh with my hair on fire all day... yeah, ok, smart alecs... It''ll be a small fire... but you'll still smell burnin' hair! :-)
All in all things are happening... and I'm gettin' verification that my "Designs for the Future" are good and proper for us...
Though it's a tougher road than we'd planned... and we'll have to go a mite more austere... and maybe even slower :-) ... and it'll take us some months of work, after the closing, to get up to whatever "Full Speed" our speed will be... We finally seem to be getting to the Leaving Place.
Thank You Boss!
Now... I better get to leaving today... or I'll never get my chores done.
Take Good Care
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I'm jumpier than one of those frogs down to chucky cheese! I flinch ever' time I hear a noise! :-)
It's like bein' a lil' kid in a tent out in the woods... listening and shivering at every footstep, of ever' lil' cricket, wanderin' through the bushes...
I'm gonna be one tired ol' geezer when this is done!
Day full of runnin' errands today... the hardware store cut hours... again... down to near nothin' now. Makes things tight... but... expected...
Employers are in the same category as lawyers and politicians in "My World"... "Too leaky a Vessel to put much faith in"... -Gus McCrae
So anyhoo... I'm gonna be runnin' nine-oh with my hair on fire all day... yeah, ok, smart alecs... It''ll be a small fire... but you'll still smell burnin' hair! :-)
All in all things are happening... and I'm gettin' verification that my "Designs for the Future" are good and proper for us...
Though it's a tougher road than we'd planned... and we'll have to go a mite more austere... and maybe even slower :-) ... and it'll take us some months of work, after the closing, to get up to whatever "Full Speed" our speed will be... We finally seem to be getting to the Leaving Place.
Thank You Boss!
Now... I better get to leaving today... or I'll never get my chores done.
Take Good Care
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Monday, February 15, 2010
It's Like Lugging Sacks of Cement
I just can't get excited 'bout things just now... Keep holding my breath waiting for the 'Wolves' to come out of the trees. :-)... just 10 more days and I can breathe easy... but... right now... I'm breathin' purty shallow... and lookin' 'round for ambushes! :-)
Put a few ads on Craigs List for the used furniture we picked up when we moved back into the house... There might be a business there for somebody sharp on the values of such 'possibles'...
Those ads weren't 5 minutes old and I was gettin' responses from 'em... and the 'Free' couch and chair we just wanted to get gone, so we wouldn't have to haul it somewhere, was 'got gone' in about an hour!
Seems like if a 'Horsetrader' was sharp on some 'thing' that folks are seeking on there... they might just turn an honest nickle or two... Me? I believe in buying high... and selling low... and makin' it up in Volume! :-)
Heidi Started puttin' the Rig right yesterday... cleaning and layin' in the shelf and drawer liners...
I still need to finish up the trim out on that floor... keep letting myself get diverted... which isn't much of a challenge for that what's divertin' me.
We'll get most of that work done this Wed/Thursday...
Aw, this is gonna be one Shiny Year... I have a good feelin'... if I can just quit jumpin' and askin'; "What was that?"... ever' time the dang phone rings! :-)
I'll be one happy puncher once this deal is settled out and I can start breathin' normal again... and building on a Future of Shining Times!
Take Good Care
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Put a few ads on Craigs List for the used furniture we picked up when we moved back into the house... There might be a business there for somebody sharp on the values of such 'possibles'...
Those ads weren't 5 minutes old and I was gettin' responses from 'em... and the 'Free' couch and chair we just wanted to get gone, so we wouldn't have to haul it somewhere, was 'got gone' in about an hour!
Seems like if a 'Horsetrader' was sharp on some 'thing' that folks are seeking on there... they might just turn an honest nickle or two... Me? I believe in buying high... and selling low... and makin' it up in Volume! :-)
Heidi Started puttin' the Rig right yesterday... cleaning and layin' in the shelf and drawer liners...
I still need to finish up the trim out on that floor... keep letting myself get diverted... which isn't much of a challenge for that what's divertin' me.
We'll get most of that work done this Wed/Thursday...
Aw, this is gonna be one Shiny Year... I have a good feelin'... if I can just quit jumpin' and askin'; "What was that?"... ever' time the dang phone rings! :-)
I'll be one happy puncher once this deal is settled out and I can start breathin' normal again... and building on a Future of Shining Times!
Take Good Care
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Saturday, February 13, 2010
Selling the House is getting Close to Closing
We're back... don't wanna be... but here I are! :-)
We decided to not stretch this years Arizona Trip, thinkin' we'd better give ourselves a few extra days to prepare our 'situation' for the coming House Closing.
There's not near as much to do as for most folks I guess... We did that, three summers ago! Lordy, has it been that long? Time flies... when you're looking Back on a time of waiting! :-)
It seemed so long looking forward and still, like it was yesterday... kinda weird...
We've got a few pieces of used furniture to re-divest. The stuff we put in so we could live in the house again, when we had to move back in... Those I should have on Craigs list this weekend...
Most of our 'keeper junk'... the stuff we/she just can't part with... has mostly been repacked into some cheap plastic totes Heidi picked up on sale just after Christmas... that has to go to a small storage space, yet to be rented...
One thing is... that pile is a lot smaller than it was three summers ago... we whittled it down even more!
There's still some work to do on the rig... the finishing of the transition and base moulding on the floor... a few other things... and then repacking our Living Stuff into it.(The balance of the RV Remodel is gonna have to be done a lil' at a time... as we live in it again)
Heidi asked me last night; "Was I getting even a little excited?" ... and I replied; "Not Really"...
I guess, I just don't trust it yet... been here before... Twice! :-)
That and, we can't just take off immediately and leave... There's gonna be a few months of re-construction and re-organization; We've got some 'Financial Repairs' to do that are a consequence of the last three years, and the disappearance of most of the equity value in the house ... I got bucked off again! :-) and I'm juuuuuust a lil' slower climbin' back on these days...
Buuuuuut... I'm too dumb to do anything else... So I keep on gettin' up, dustin' off my jeans... and steppin' aboard... one more time.
Some of what's happened was my fault, some was beyond my control... Most, a mixture of the two... Criminee! I thought by the time I'd gotten this old I'd know purty much ever'thing I'd need to know to be the Heroric Figure of a Man I am! :-) How come nobody ever told me that I'd need to keep on learnin'... ever day of my life? :-)
I'm workin' at reshaping the way I live... to remove as much of me, as much of US, as I can... from anything that someone else controls... The less leverage the 'system' has on US... the less control it can impose... Hmmm... sounds kinda like a definition... of sorts... of Freedom and Liberty... Don't it? :-)
Works for ME!
With the house gone... the reduction in our subsistence living expenses is so huge that it'll make those days of re-construction and re-organization Shining Times.
We'll go from a pretty hand to mouth situation, to a strongly positive place... Considering the ordeal that so many are fighting these days... Heidi and I are close to Shining Times! :-)
Our direction will finally be, Moving Forward... instead of Marking Time... It's a real Morale Booster when you can feel the wind in your face, 'cause you're making progress... instead of the wind that's holding you back... Suh-Weet!
One thing I know... we'll get there... and come the spring we'll start rollin' on some circles... if our luck holds... and my judgment don't fail me again :-) those circles will grow wider and longer.
Take Good Care
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We decided to not stretch this years Arizona Trip, thinkin' we'd better give ourselves a few extra days to prepare our 'situation' for the coming House Closing.
There's not near as much to do as for most folks I guess... We did that, three summers ago! Lordy, has it been that long? Time flies... when you're looking Back on a time of waiting! :-)
It seemed so long looking forward and still, like it was yesterday... kinda weird...
We've got a few pieces of used furniture to re-divest. The stuff we put in so we could live in the house again, when we had to move back in... Those I should have on Craigs list this weekend...
Most of our 'keeper junk'... the stuff we/she just can't part with... has mostly been repacked into some cheap plastic totes Heidi picked up on sale just after Christmas... that has to go to a small storage space, yet to be rented...
One thing is... that pile is a lot smaller than it was three summers ago... we whittled it down even more!
There's still some work to do on the rig... the finishing of the transition and base moulding on the floor... a few other things... and then repacking our Living Stuff into it.(The balance of the RV Remodel is gonna have to be done a lil' at a time... as we live in it again)
Heidi asked me last night; "Was I getting even a little excited?" ... and I replied; "Not Really"...
I guess, I just don't trust it yet... been here before... Twice! :-)
That and, we can't just take off immediately and leave... There's gonna be a few months of re-construction and re-organization; We've got some 'Financial Repairs' to do that are a consequence of the last three years, and the disappearance of most of the equity value in the house ... I got bucked off again! :-) and I'm juuuuuust a lil' slower climbin' back on these days...
Buuuuuut... I'm too dumb to do anything else... So I keep on gettin' up, dustin' off my jeans... and steppin' aboard... one more time.
Some of what's happened was my fault, some was beyond my control... Most, a mixture of the two... Criminee! I thought by the time I'd gotten this old I'd know purty much ever'thing I'd need to know to be the Heroric Figure of a Man I am! :-) How come nobody ever told me that I'd need to keep on learnin'... ever day of my life? :-)
I'm workin' at reshaping the way I live... to remove as much of me, as much of US, as I can... from anything that someone else controls... The less leverage the 'system' has on US... the less control it can impose... Hmmm... sounds kinda like a definition... of sorts... of Freedom and Liberty... Don't it? :-)
Works for ME!
With the house gone... the reduction in our subsistence living expenses is so huge that it'll make those days of re-construction and re-organization Shining Times.
We'll go from a pretty hand to mouth situation, to a strongly positive place... Considering the ordeal that so many are fighting these days... Heidi and I are close to Shining Times! :-)
Our direction will finally be, Moving Forward... instead of Marking Time... It's a real Morale Booster when you can feel the wind in your face, 'cause you're making progress... instead of the wind that's holding you back... Suh-Weet!
One thing I know... we'll get there... and come the spring we'll start rollin' on some circles... if our luck holds... and my judgment don't fail me again :-) those circles will grow wider and longer.
Take Good Care
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Friday, February 12, 2010
Road Trippin' Across Arizona
Well... it was time to start movin' north... that "Closing" is fast approaching and we still have some chores to get done at the house...
so... North we rolled
We cut off I-17 at Camp Verde to run op NE across the state on the two lane... along the General Crook Trail for a ways. THIS is the Arizona I knew as a kid... not the one that lives down there in Phoenix and Tucson, buried under asphalt and concrete...
To me Tucson has become just another dirty city... and a grubby one at that... too bad... it used to have a personality...
Aw well... there's still a few hundred thousand square miles of open, Far Country, the makes up the huge majority of the state... to feed the soul with!...
Once we got up on top of the rim, the Mogollon Rim, (Pronounced "Muggy - Owen) the snow got pretty deep off the sides... That's the way Heidi likes it when we're on the road... Deep, untracked snow off the sides... dry pavement under our wheels! :-) ... uh ... Me Too!
Stopped in Winslow... and spent a moment "Standin' on the Corner"... for the required Tourista Pic Takin' ...

Then back in the Lil' Red Chevy Hot Rod to shake rattle and roll, east bound, rollin down I-40... bound for Sante Fe... which we made just after dark...
We'll pull out sometime this morning... for breakfast over at a lil' cafe, just north of Madrid... then ... reluctantly, we'll turn our noses and start followin' 'em North again... bound for Nunn... and the future! :-)
That future, is gonna have a different complexion than we'd planned... but all in all... it shines brighter all the time... Freedom Road is a comin'!
Take Good Care
so... North we rolled
We cut off I-17 at Camp Verde to run op NE across the state on the two lane... along the General Crook Trail for a ways. THIS is the Arizona I knew as a kid... not the one that lives down there in Phoenix and Tucson, buried under asphalt and concrete...
To me Tucson has become just another dirty city... and a grubby one at that... too bad... it used to have a personality...
Aw well... there's still a few hundred thousand square miles of open, Far Country, the makes up the huge majority of the state... to feed the soul with!...
Once we got up on top of the rim, the Mogollon Rim, (Pronounced "Muggy - Owen) the snow got pretty deep off the sides... That's the way Heidi likes it when we're on the road... Deep, untracked snow off the sides... dry pavement under our wheels! :-) ... uh ... Me Too!
Stopped in Winslow... and spent a moment "Standin' on the Corner"... for the required Tourista Pic Takin' ...
Then back in the Lil' Red Chevy Hot Rod to shake rattle and roll, east bound, rollin down I-40... bound for Sante Fe... which we made just after dark...
We'll pull out sometime this morning... for breakfast over at a lil' cafe, just north of Madrid... then ... reluctantly, we'll turn our noses and start followin' 'em North again... bound for Nunn... and the future! :-)
That future, is gonna have a different complexion than we'd planned... but all in all... it shines brighter all the time... Freedom Road is a comin'!
Take Good Care
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Great 2010 Arizona Blizzard... Pizza... and Winter Flowers
NOT! :-)
They might be sufferin' back east, but down in Arizony... though it's cooler than ya'll might want, it's still better'n they've got back in New York and D.C.!

Unless you call it a blizzard of flowers an' color... if ya'll was lucky enough to be in the right place! :-)
We're startin' to wonder, too, if the road was really as slow as we thought it was comin' down from Colorado last week... There might just might could be another explanation...
From Tucson to Phoenix is generally, leastways for the places we go from and to... a two hour run... So... Miss Heidi an' I pulled out of my Mothers place this Morning... and a touch over Five hours later... Pulled into my Sisters driveway in Glendale on the northwest side of Phoenix...
Uh... ya think maybe I'm just gettin' slower an' slower in my "Going" ? :-) Maybe I can't totally blame bad weather! :-)
It's purty obvious to me that I'm gettin' a lot quicker at settling into my "Road Groove" than it used to take. Used to be... It took me two... maybe three days, or even more, to slow down and get into the "Rhythm" of the road. :-)
Now-a-days... Seems 'bout like... sit on the seat... twist the key... and... doh dee doh doh do da... I'm goin r-e-a-l s-l-0-w! right from the get go... :-)
I can't really say what took so much time today... didn't really stop anywhere... just didn't move very quick I guess! :-) and ya know what I call that easy ramblin'? ... it's called... Suh-Weet!
... then there was that stop in Scottsdale, partway to where we were goin'... when we decide we were hungry... Do ya like thin crust pizza? There's a nice spot in Old Town Scottsdale called Grimaldi's... Don't know that I'd kill for their pizza... but it was good... the coffee was hot... and the flowers... just up the street in front of where we parked that lil' red Chevy HHR Hot Rod... were pretty nice!... for a cloudy winter day...

That lil' hot rod is performin' better than I could've asked for... We tooled up the back way, from Tucson to Glendale... up through Florence and Queen Creek... and found that if you set that cruise control on 55 that darn lil' car gets better'n 40 mpg! We ended with an average of 38 mpg... Not bad for a car that'll run as quick as it can... for a mite over 18 grand...
... so... if ya'll get slowed down in your wanderin' sufficiently... you'll not only be goin' slow enough to see purty flowers... you'll save a whole bunch of gas doin' it! :-)
But... I better get to visitin' with the family... or I'll get into difficulty...
Take Good Care
They might be sufferin' back east, but down in Arizony... though it's cooler than ya'll might want, it's still better'n they've got back in New York and D.C.!
Unless you call it a blizzard of flowers an' color... if ya'll was lucky enough to be in the right place! :-)
We're startin' to wonder, too, if the road was really as slow as we thought it was comin' down from Colorado last week... There might just might could be another explanation...
From Tucson to Phoenix is generally, leastways for the places we go from and to... a two hour run... So... Miss Heidi an' I pulled out of my Mothers place this Morning... and a touch over Five hours later... Pulled into my Sisters driveway in Glendale on the northwest side of Phoenix...
Uh... ya think maybe I'm just gettin' slower an' slower in my "Going" ? :-) Maybe I can't totally blame bad weather! :-)
It's purty obvious to me that I'm gettin' a lot quicker at settling into my "Road Groove" than it used to take. Used to be... It took me two... maybe three days, or even more, to slow down and get into the "Rhythm" of the road. :-)
Now-a-days... Seems 'bout like... sit on the seat... twist the key... and... doh dee doh doh do da... I'm goin r-e-a-l s-l-0-w! right from the get go... :-)
I can't really say what took so much time today... didn't really stop anywhere... just didn't move very quick I guess! :-) and ya know what I call that easy ramblin'? ... it's called... Suh-Weet!
... then there was that stop in Scottsdale, partway to where we were goin'... when we decide we were hungry... Do ya like thin crust pizza? There's a nice spot in Old Town Scottsdale called Grimaldi's... Don't know that I'd kill for their pizza... but it was good... the coffee was hot... and the flowers... just up the street in front of where we parked that lil' red Chevy HHR Hot Rod... were pretty nice!... for a cloudy winter day...
That lil' hot rod is performin' better than I could've asked for... We tooled up the back way, from Tucson to Glendale... up through Florence and Queen Creek... and found that if you set that cruise control on 55 that darn lil' car gets better'n 40 mpg! We ended with an average of 38 mpg... Not bad for a car that'll run as quick as it can... for a mite over 18 grand...
... so... if ya'll get slowed down in your wanderin' sufficiently... you'll not only be goin' slow enough to see purty flowers... you'll save a whole bunch of gas doin' it! :-)
But... I better get to visitin' with the family... or I'll get into difficulty...
Take Good Care
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Bead Shows, Motorcycles and ... Drooling
Heidi goes to the Bead Show at the Gem Mall... I go 'scouting'... mostly for Motorcycles...
I should do something that's more of a challenge. A person shouldn't do something 'easy' for too long... and finding Motorcycles that I like is, well... 'bout as easy a thing as I can do :-)
Found three yesterday... two Star Raiders... one Warrior and a V Star 1300... I only found the three... 'cause I kinda pretended all them others weren't sittin' there...
That Ridenow Powersports Dealership in Tucson is a pretty nice Bikers Toybox! :-)
They say no news is good news... haven't had a call from our realtor... Yesterday was the 'deadline' day for the buyer to have their financing lined out... that last of the 'biggie' deadlines... so it looks like things continue to move along... gettin' close enough we're kinda 'cringing', waiting for history to repeat... but just a few days! :-)
We're gonna be movin' up to Phoenix either this evening or in the morning to see family up there... then pull out rolling north on Thursday... to make a two day roll home... so we can get back to work finishing up our 'chores' there...
But I better get moving today...
Take Good Care
I should do something that's more of a challenge. A person shouldn't do something 'easy' for too long... and finding Motorcycles that I like is, well... 'bout as easy a thing as I can do :-)
Found three yesterday... two Star Raiders... one Warrior and a V Star 1300... I only found the three... 'cause I kinda pretended all them others weren't sittin' there...
That Ridenow Powersports Dealership in Tucson is a pretty nice Bikers Toybox! :-)
They say no news is good news... haven't had a call from our realtor... Yesterday was the 'deadline' day for the buyer to have their financing lined out... that last of the 'biggie' deadlines... so it looks like things continue to move along... gettin' close enough we're kinda 'cringing', waiting for history to repeat... but just a few days! :-)
We're gonna be movin' up to Phoenix either this evening or in the morning to see family up there... then pull out rolling north on Thursday... to make a two day roll home... so we can get back to work finishing up our 'chores' there...
But I better get moving today...
Take Good Care
Sunday, February 7, 2010
That Old House and This Old House...
Seems like I can't get away from workin' on houses!
First thing I've been doin' each day is haulin' Heidi to whichever Bead Show She'll be workin' that day... then I've been comin' back here... to this, my Mothers' house... and doin' maintenance chores on it.
Just serves to drive home the fact that my preference is for a house that has wheels on it! :-)
Got up today... and it's rainin'... aw well... as long as it ain't snow... I'm good. And this is one of those soft, steady... all day rains that makes a cowboy or farmer just smile... It's the sort of a rain that makes the air crisp and clean... scented with mesquite and creosote bush...
It' the kind of rain that grows the grass and has you sortin' fat calves come the fall...
For all you Northerners, parked in the Arizona Desert for the winter... all the rain that has been washin' your rigs this winter, is gonna make for one flowered up Desert Oasis come spring...
I'd start huntin' the locations of the best Desert flower displays down here for your spring photo trips... The Arizona Desert is gonna be bloomin' this year! ... it's one of the "Why's" of RV Boondocking!
So far... no ambushes on that 'Old' house... and... we pass the last 'Big Deadline'... Monday...
I'm feelin' like my stubborn ways are finally payin' off...
Though... there's a few things I should have been less stubborn about. :-) How-some-ever... seein' as that's spilt milk, and I can't put it back in the bottle... no use worryin' on it...
But... then again... We watched a movie last night... 'bout a fella (true story) that is afflicted with tourettes (sp?) syndrome... in the end... he says that who he is... he can almost thank the 'disability' for...that IT was his greatest teacher!!!
Some might not understand such a claim... I can say I do... 'cause if it weren't for all the things I've endured over the years... and all the dumb judgments I've made... I'd for sure and for certain... NOT... be the fella I am... and different as "he" is... I kind of like him! :-)
My point? Haven't you ever heard the Old sayin'; "Failures are just opportunities to learn"?
Well... according to that rule... this hyar buster has a PHD! ... 'course... some refer to that as P-iled H-igher... and D-eeper! :-)
Now... I'm not gonna climb up on my soap box... and claim that "My way is the right way... and the ONLY way"... any fool knows that ain't true...
BUT... always with the "buts" :-) .... I will say... my way is a dang good way... and will fit a whole lot of people... at least... if they tinker with it... shave off the bumps that don't quite fit them... and weld on any parts that seem to be missing... to make it, Your Way.
Just... keep on keepin' on... that is the most important... Don't EVER let the buzzards get your goat... Don't EVER allow anything, to bury your Dreams... Not Anything!
Take Good Care
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First thing I've been doin' each day is haulin' Heidi to whichever Bead Show She'll be workin' that day... then I've been comin' back here... to this, my Mothers' house... and doin' maintenance chores on it.
Just serves to drive home the fact that my preference is for a house that has wheels on it! :-)
Got up today... and it's rainin'... aw well... as long as it ain't snow... I'm good. And this is one of those soft, steady... all day rains that makes a cowboy or farmer just smile... It's the sort of a rain that makes the air crisp and clean... scented with mesquite and creosote bush...
It' the kind of rain that grows the grass and has you sortin' fat calves come the fall...
For all you Northerners, parked in the Arizona Desert for the winter... all the rain that has been washin' your rigs this winter, is gonna make for one flowered up Desert Oasis come spring...
I'd start huntin' the locations of the best Desert flower displays down here for your spring photo trips... The Arizona Desert is gonna be bloomin' this year! ... it's one of the "Why's" of RV Boondocking!
So far... no ambushes on that 'Old' house... and... we pass the last 'Big Deadline'... Monday...
I'm feelin' like my stubborn ways are finally payin' off...
Though... there's a few things I should have been less stubborn about. :-) How-some-ever... seein' as that's spilt milk, and I can't put it back in the bottle... no use worryin' on it...
But... then again... We watched a movie last night... 'bout a fella (true story) that is afflicted with tourettes (sp?) syndrome... in the end... he says that who he is... he can almost thank the 'disability' for...that IT was his greatest teacher!!!
Some might not understand such a claim... I can say I do... 'cause if it weren't for all the things I've endured over the years... and all the dumb judgments I've made... I'd for sure and for certain... NOT... be the fella I am... and different as "he" is... I kind of like him! :-)
My point? Haven't you ever heard the Old sayin'; "Failures are just opportunities to learn"?
Well... according to that rule... this hyar buster has a PHD! ... 'course... some refer to that as P-iled H-igher... and D-eeper! :-)
Now... I'm not gonna climb up on my soap box... and claim that "My way is the right way... and the ONLY way"... any fool knows that ain't true...
BUT... always with the "buts" :-) .... I will say... my way is a dang good way... and will fit a whole lot of people... at least... if they tinker with it... shave off the bumps that don't quite fit them... and weld on any parts that seem to be missing... to make it, Your Way.
Just... keep on keepin' on... that is the most important... Don't EVER let the buzzards get your goat... Don't EVER allow anything, to bury your Dreams... Not Anything!
Take Good Care
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Thursday, February 4, 2010
Drive 19 hours... to make a 14 hour trip!
That was fun! Hit pretty good snow just north of Pueblo... Heidi was drivin' and we were sailin' along in that lil Chevy HHR at 'bout 80 miles an hour... right up until it started snowin'... and I took over behind the wheel...
... Well Dang... Kept movin'... the road kept gettin' a lil' worse... slushy... and then finally snow packed... the computer said our average speed was 43 mph from near Pueblo to about 10 miles from Albuquerque... a long, slow ride... havin' to 'drive' every mile on some pretty slick stuff...
Stopped for about an hour and a half to sleep in a snowy roadside rest, plugged with semis... just south of Raton, from 1:30 to 3:00am... and then started shakin' it south again...
but... we're in the Sunny south now :-)
I'll have to write a good review on that Chevy... That's a darn nice lil' Car! :-) but right now... Im nigh on to crosseyed... so I'm bound for bed! 26 hours on an hour and a half of sleep... sittin' in a car in a snowstorm... is not how to make this lil' bowlegged buster a useful companion!
Take Good Care
... Well Dang... Kept movin'... the road kept gettin' a lil' worse... slushy... and then finally snow packed... the computer said our average speed was 43 mph from near Pueblo to about 10 miles from Albuquerque... a long, slow ride... havin' to 'drive' every mile on some pretty slick stuff...
Stopped for about an hour and a half to sleep in a snowy roadside rest, plugged with semis... just south of Raton, from 1:30 to 3:00am... and then started shakin' it south again...
but... we're in the Sunny south now :-)
I'll have to write a good review on that Chevy... That's a darn nice lil' Car! :-) but right now... Im nigh on to crosseyed... so I'm bound for bed! 26 hours on an hour and a half of sleep... sittin' in a car in a snowstorm... is not how to make this lil' bowlegged buster a useful companion!
Take Good Care
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Our "Great American Road Trip" Starts tonight
Not much time this morning... Gotta finish gettin' my gear together before I have to go do my day at the Hardware store... Heidi will pick me up at 6... and we'll head south from there...
We'll be rollin' in a Chevy HHR... and I'm a lil' surprised... I haven't been a GM fan in quite a while... maybe I need to 'open' my mind a mite? :-)
Drove it home last night... Kind of a 'Retro' design... I suppose knockin' off the PT Cruiser... which I have never liked... they always looked kinda cramped to me...
This'un... the Chevy... seemed pretty comfortable for that short 20 mile ride... and it sure don't seem to be lacking in git up and rattle... but then it gets good economy too... at least according to the 'driver information center' ! ...
Which was a bit of a difficulty... Uh... Do you read French?... Yeah... me neither! :-) I hit the buttons wrong tryin' to figure the danged thing out... and had it readin' off all its' info in Frenchy... Sacre Bleu!
... uh... whatever the heck that means! :-)
One of the first things that struck me was how good a lil' Toad it would make... assuming it could be drug around 4 wheels down... I might have to investigate that a mite... and hey! I need to cork my pie hole now... This would be something to fill up the first "Real" post in the changed over "News & Reviews" page! :-)
Anyhoo... I'm lookin' forward to some miles the next few days... even if it is in a car... not an RV or a Fine Motorcycle! ... so... since I am planning on recreatin' for the next week... plus... I'm gonna just consider that lil' Fire Engine Red Chevy HHR to be our Recreational Vee-Hickle!
Tonight... I get to find out juuuust how tough the Ol' Twisted up Geezer still is... and see how many miles he can make in a lil' red Hot Rod with his I-pod singin' and the wind splittin'... whistlin' from coffee stop to coffee stop... before he says... "aw crap... I'm rentin' a room!"
... anybody takin bets on whether I can make it as far as my 19 year ol' self? :-)
Yes Sir... a road trip of ANY sort is... Shinin' Times!
Take Good Care
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We'll be rollin' in a Chevy HHR... and I'm a lil' surprised... I haven't been a GM fan in quite a while... maybe I need to 'open' my mind a mite? :-)
Drove it home last night... Kind of a 'Retro' design... I suppose knockin' off the PT Cruiser... which I have never liked... they always looked kinda cramped to me...
This'un... the Chevy... seemed pretty comfortable for that short 20 mile ride... and it sure don't seem to be lacking in git up and rattle... but then it gets good economy too... at least according to the 'driver information center' ! ...
Which was a bit of a difficulty... Uh... Do you read French?... Yeah... me neither! :-) I hit the buttons wrong tryin' to figure the danged thing out... and had it readin' off all its' info in Frenchy... Sacre Bleu!
... uh... whatever the heck that means! :-)
One of the first things that struck me was how good a lil' Toad it would make... assuming it could be drug around 4 wheels down... I might have to investigate that a mite... and hey! I need to cork my pie hole now... This would be something to fill up the first "Real" post in the changed over "News & Reviews" page! :-)
Anyhoo... I'm lookin' forward to some miles the next few days... even if it is in a car... not an RV or a Fine Motorcycle! ... so... since I am planning on recreatin' for the next week... plus... I'm gonna just consider that lil' Fire Engine Red Chevy HHR to be our Recreational Vee-Hickle!
Tonight... I get to find out juuuust how tough the Ol' Twisted up Geezer still is... and see how many miles he can make in a lil' red Hot Rod with his I-pod singin' and the wind splittin'... whistlin' from coffee stop to coffee stop... before he says... "aw crap... I'm rentin' a room!"
... anybody takin bets on whether I can make it as far as my 19 year ol' self? :-)
Yes Sir... a road trip of ANY sort is... Shinin' Times!
Take Good Care
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Weather and Rental Cars and Motorcycles and still RV Remodels to finish!
Good thing today is a short day... and the weather is good!
Lots of odds and ends to do 'fore we leave for 10 days...
I need to ride Slick from Eaton, over to Fort Collins to make the deal on a rental car to roll to Tucson... then whistle on home and pack my warbag for the trip... before I ride back in with herself... as soon as she gets home, to pick up that borrowed car and take it home...
Do a lil' housecleaning... in case 'they' need in while we're gone... few other things... 'cause tomorrow we'll head south as soon as I get off... which of course... the 'bossman' changed the hour of... to 4 hours later...
Yes sir... I'll be glad when I've got myself built back to 100% on my own string again... I might not be a control freak... but having purty much none of it... just a leaf in the wind for whatever the 'bosses' decide... fits me about like a mini skirt on Rosie O'donnel! :-O
Thomas made a suggestion on that 'Box' I need behind the new recliner in the Fifth Wheel / 5er. Told me he'd done a similar swap a few years ago. He just put a rubbermaid in under his seating through a compartment door in the same place...
... as soon as we get back I'm gonna have to do some sharp cipherin' and see if I can carve a compartment box in under the seat... I know there is a lil' space there on our couch... don't know exactly how much...
I don't want to leave it as it was... with that door pretty much just open to the inside... it was kinda drafty in this north country! :-) so... I want to take that good Birch plywood I have and build a sealed compartment... But if I can enlarge it a mite under that seat... all the better.
The silicone seam on the Vinyl cove base seems to hold ok... doesn't impress me with being terribly strong... still have to do the same with the polyurethane adhesive... that part of trimming out the floor is gonna have to wait on our return...
I'll need to push that stuff to the back of my head for a few days... or I'm likely to cook some wiring!...
Chillin' on the road is a pretty good way to do that... and this will actually be my first opportunity for a "Road Test" of that lil' MiFi 2200 air card/hot spot I've been using from Verizon for a few months now...
It's worked pretty good around here... where the signal is intermittent... with speeds often in excess of 1000 kbps and frequently over 1400... I'm curious to see how it'll perform where the signal is a mite more reliable... it sure is easier to hook up and use than a card plugged into the laptop itself... combined with its' ability to hook up a few other devices... like HER laptop... at the same time... makes it a pretty handy gizmo... just a cell phone size deal and it, for us, replaces the need for a router...
... anybody have an interest in a slightly used, air card capable, cradlepoint router? :-)
The day awaits me... Hope the one ya'll are headin' into treats you fine.
Take Good Care
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Lots of odds and ends to do 'fore we leave for 10 days...
I need to ride Slick from Eaton, over to Fort Collins to make the deal on a rental car to roll to Tucson... then whistle on home and pack my warbag for the trip... before I ride back in with herself... as soon as she gets home, to pick up that borrowed car and take it home...
Do a lil' housecleaning... in case 'they' need in while we're gone... few other things... 'cause tomorrow we'll head south as soon as I get off... which of course... the 'bossman' changed the hour of... to 4 hours later...
Yes sir... I'll be glad when I've got myself built back to 100% on my own string again... I might not be a control freak... but having purty much none of it... just a leaf in the wind for whatever the 'bosses' decide... fits me about like a mini skirt on Rosie O'donnel! :-O
Thomas made a suggestion on that 'Box' I need behind the new recliner in the Fifth Wheel / 5er. Told me he'd done a similar swap a few years ago. He just put a rubbermaid in under his seating through a compartment door in the same place...
... as soon as we get back I'm gonna have to do some sharp cipherin' and see if I can carve a compartment box in under the seat... I know there is a lil' space there on our couch... don't know exactly how much...
I don't want to leave it as it was... with that door pretty much just open to the inside... it was kinda drafty in this north country! :-) so... I want to take that good Birch plywood I have and build a sealed compartment... But if I can enlarge it a mite under that seat... all the better.
The silicone seam on the Vinyl cove base seems to hold ok... doesn't impress me with being terribly strong... still have to do the same with the polyurethane adhesive... that part of trimming out the floor is gonna have to wait on our return...
I'll need to push that stuff to the back of my head for a few days... or I'm likely to cook some wiring!...
Chillin' on the road is a pretty good way to do that... and this will actually be my first opportunity for a "Road Test" of that lil' MiFi 2200 air card/hot spot I've been using from Verizon for a few months now...
It's worked pretty good around here... where the signal is intermittent... with speeds often in excess of 1000 kbps and frequently over 1400... I'm curious to see how it'll perform where the signal is a mite more reliable... it sure is easier to hook up and use than a card plugged into the laptop itself... combined with its' ability to hook up a few other devices... like HER laptop... at the same time... makes it a pretty handy gizmo... just a cell phone size deal and it, for us, replaces the need for a router...
... anybody have an interest in a slightly used, air card capable, cradlepoint router? :-)
The day awaits me... Hope the one ya'll are headin' into treats you fine.
Take Good Care
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Monday, February 1, 2010
OK, Sharlotte Kinda Caught me... The Floor is... Almost
...Finished :-) actually I cheated a mite on that floor pic of the other day...
The transition in the pic of the other day is just temporarily laid in place, for the pic, while I finish up 'experiments' to see which-a-way I'm gonna seam the 4' long vinyl Cove Base pieces...
There's Three pieces the length of the RV Slide... and two more pieces rounding the corner at each end... so ... 6 lil' butt joints I have to make... Just securing 'em down, in place would probably be just fine... but I'd like to try and 'stick' those ends together first... if I can find a workable way...
I'm testing a polyurethane adhesive and a silicone caulk/adhesive I've used a lot before... as soon as they cure to see which is gonna hold better I'll screw it in place with a trim screw/finish washer combo.
Once that's done... and the oak shoe base is finished around the edges I'll put my oak desk in place... that will be my RV Desk "writing throne" and RV leather tooling bench...
I also need to fabricate the "box" to close in the compartment door that opens behind where the new Dual Recliner sits...
In the old layout... that door opened to the space under the old jacknife couch... and was source of cold drafts to boot...
I've got some baltic birch ply I'll shape a shallow compartment out of, that will fasten to the wall around that opening, and seal the drafts coming off that door in cold weather...
If I'm clever enough I can maintain a place to store the umbilical cord... and maybe a water hose...
I've made progress... but still no shortage of work to do... but it'll mostly wait now 'cause we leave in a couple days on our Tucson circle...
and yes Sharlotte... I'll be on here, all along the way! Heidi laughs at me any more... if I'm away from my keyboard more than 6 or 8 hours... I start shakin' an' twitchin'... and mumblin'; "gotta make a post... gotta make a post!" :-)
... yes ma'am... this hyar electronical confabulation has become a part of my anatomy! Makes it hard to sit sometimes! :-)
and that's plenty OK with me... all the different parts of this writin' gig have become such an un-adulterated, and un-expected pleasure to me, that I'm in that place I've always wanted to be... at least a lil' bit... that; "I can't believe they pay me to do this" place... Sweet!
as always... this time of the week, I got to start warmin' up my hardware sellin' parts... though... the way things are goin'... I can see a tiny, lil', light off in the distance...
It appears I'm doin' something right... the trick now is to keep on doin'... whatever 'that' is! :-) hopefully, that's just bein' me... 'cause if'n I got to remember somethin' else... I could be in trouble. :-)
Yesterday finished up the biggest month - ever - for the number of visitors, visits and page views, for this site... Suh-WEET! Many Thanks to ever'body who has stopped by...
I've got more 'plans' cookin'... to polish things up a bit more 'round here... if I can just get the bosses to make a day 'bout 3 hours longer... I might get 'em built quicker! :-)
But then... we had supper with some friends last night... and they talked me into climbin' on one of those Wii gizmos... the missus of the pair made me do this 'balance test' routine... which somehow is supposed to tell you how healthy you are...
...and according to that thing... I need to lose 22 lbs... and that I'm 'bout as healthy as some feller that's 69! uh.... one thing... If I lose 22 lbs... I'm gonna have to go back to buyin' in the kids department at wally world... there just ain' that much of 'Me'... to carve off that much!
... and healthy as a 69 year old?
I've got it from a ree-liable source, that my health is as good as any 236 year old oughta be!
Ya see... there's regular people years... there's soldier years... and there's cowboy years....
Regular years are 1:1 ... Cowboy years run about like dog years, 7:1... and soldier years are kinda variable... but can average 'bout 11:1 depending on 'Your' situation... I'm at the high end! :-)
so... when you calculate it all out... how many regl'ar years I've had, how many soldier years... and how many cowboy years... Ya come up with a 'biological age fo 236! :-)
So... I think I look purty darn good... all things considered!
Take Good Care
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The transition in the pic of the other day is just temporarily laid in place, for the pic, while I finish up 'experiments' to see which-a-way I'm gonna seam the 4' long vinyl Cove Base pieces...
There's Three pieces the length of the RV Slide... and two more pieces rounding the corner at each end... so ... 6 lil' butt joints I have to make... Just securing 'em down, in place would probably be just fine... but I'd like to try and 'stick' those ends together first... if I can find a workable way...
I'm testing a polyurethane adhesive and a silicone caulk/adhesive I've used a lot before... as soon as they cure to see which is gonna hold better I'll screw it in place with a trim screw/finish washer combo.
Once that's done... and the oak shoe base is finished around the edges I'll put my oak desk in place... that will be my RV Desk "writing throne" and RV leather tooling bench...
I also need to fabricate the "box" to close in the compartment door that opens behind where the new Dual Recliner sits...
In the old layout... that door opened to the space under the old jacknife couch... and was source of cold drafts to boot...
I've got some baltic birch ply I'll shape a shallow compartment out of, that will fasten to the wall around that opening, and seal the drafts coming off that door in cold weather...
If I'm clever enough I can maintain a place to store the umbilical cord... and maybe a water hose...
I've made progress... but still no shortage of work to do... but it'll mostly wait now 'cause we leave in a couple days on our Tucson circle...
and yes Sharlotte... I'll be on here, all along the way! Heidi laughs at me any more... if I'm away from my keyboard more than 6 or 8 hours... I start shakin' an' twitchin'... and mumblin'; "gotta make a post... gotta make a post!" :-)
... yes ma'am... this hyar electronical confabulation has become a part of my anatomy! Makes it hard to sit sometimes! :-)
and that's plenty OK with me... all the different parts of this writin' gig have become such an un-adulterated, and un-expected pleasure to me, that I'm in that place I've always wanted to be... at least a lil' bit... that; "I can't believe they pay me to do this" place... Sweet!
as always... this time of the week, I got to start warmin' up my hardware sellin' parts... though... the way things are goin'... I can see a tiny, lil', light off in the distance...
It appears I'm doin' something right... the trick now is to keep on doin'... whatever 'that' is! :-) hopefully, that's just bein' me... 'cause if'n I got to remember somethin' else... I could be in trouble. :-)
Yesterday finished up the biggest month - ever - for the number of visitors, visits and page views, for this site... Suh-WEET! Many Thanks to ever'body who has stopped by...
I've got more 'plans' cookin'... to polish things up a bit more 'round here... if I can just get the bosses to make a day 'bout 3 hours longer... I might get 'em built quicker! :-)
But then... we had supper with some friends last night... and they talked me into climbin' on one of those Wii gizmos... the missus of the pair made me do this 'balance test' routine... which somehow is supposed to tell you how healthy you are...
...and according to that thing... I need to lose 22 lbs... and that I'm 'bout as healthy as some feller that's 69! uh.... one thing... If I lose 22 lbs... I'm gonna have to go back to buyin' in the kids department at wally world... there just ain' that much of 'Me'... to carve off that much!
... and healthy as a 69 year old?
I've got it from a ree-liable source, that my health is as good as any 236 year old oughta be!
Ya see... there's regular people years... there's soldier years... and there's cowboy years....
Regular years are 1:1 ... Cowboy years run about like dog years, 7:1... and soldier years are kinda variable... but can average 'bout 11:1 depending on 'Your' situation... I'm at the high end! :-)
so... when you calculate it all out... how many regl'ar years I've had, how many soldier years... and how many cowboy years... Ya come up with a 'biological age fo 236! :-)
So... I think I look purty darn good... all things considered!
Take Good Care
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