I've given up for the time being on tryin' to 'seam' that Vinyl Cove Base... There just ain't a dang thing that'll stick to it! I've tried, gorilla glue, polyurethane adhesive, high grade silicone, PVC cement... Not one dang thing would hold... so to heck with it...
I just screwed the Base in place using automotive trim screws...
The seams aren't perfect... but they'll do for the girls I dance with... and if I ever do come across a way to make a tight seam... I can always punch it in there... for now... It'll hold just fine.
Soon as I got that bit done I broke down my Ol' Oak Desk inside and carried the bits out to the Eagle... and put 'em back together...
Kind of hard to get an angle to show ever'thing... but it fits pretty nice... and right about then I found another lil' "Issue"...
Remember that low wall... with the spindles on it that separated my old desk and the old jacknife couch?... I knew it didn't support the roof at all... but now I've discovered what it did support! :0)
Uh... the floor!
When you pull the slide all the way in... the center of the floor flops some lil' bit... It used to be held up by that wall screwed to it... now that 12' span lets it wiggle a bit... Since that floor is just a very thick piece of plywood, there isn't the structure to span 12' all by itself... Imagine that... Doh!
No biggie... I'm just going to have to build a 'shoe' to slide under there for support when we're hauling... just to keep things honest... :0) When the slide is extended no problem... that floor locks into place and is solid...
Some of the 'filler' furniture is gone from the house now... a few things left to do... have to haul our few remaining boxes and such to a smaller storage space than last time...
Then we've got a friend lined up to move the Eagle to our 'temporary' camp... where we'll spend the following few weeks/months in our "Reconstruction" mode...
We'll be diving in to Setting up our "New" Tow Vehicle, rebuilding bruised finances, shining up this and that... sorting out plans for the future... of which I've got plenty! :0)
... Like that's a surprise right?... any Cowboy... young rooster... or old, busted up, bald headed geezer... that tells you he; "ain't schemin' on nuthin' a'tall!"... is lyin' through his teeth!
Truth is, what he's tellin' you is that he's darn sure cookin' up somethin' ... and YOU are part of the scheme... so he's keepin' it quiet, till you're trapped in solid! :0)
Yes sir... things are movin' along... and progress is comin'... I just hope that bright light... ain't a Freightliner... or the Boss comin' early! :0)
Take Good Care
Hey Brian,
Have you thought about taping the seams on that cove base on the back side with some high quality duct tape? Maybe even invest a few extra dollars to buy the gin-u-wine aluminum duct tape?
I did Thomas! The aluminum is about the only thing that will stick... regular Duct tape doesn't seem to adhere well!...
In fact... the corner miters ARE reinforced with the Aluminum Tape... I just didn't bother with the rest... figured that aluminum would tear if I stepped on it... not much stepping happens where those corners are...
... Weirdest stuff I've ever seen... there's stuff that will hold it to a wall... but then, there's no stress on it there... but try to really 'STICK' it to itself... and it's as greasy as a kentucky fried chicken!
I'll see how it 'rides' for a while... May be I'm worryin' about not-much! :0)
Maybe try a backside splice of Eternabond?
That would stick em together for sure!
Rig is lookin good!
Best of luck!
Scott in New England
hmmm... that stuff is supposed to 'stick' to just about anything ain't it... have to try that!
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