I am a man born for the open country. The open road... and possessed of a Passion for Liberty.
Born in Ohio and raised in Arizona, I started Cowboyin' at the foot of the Catalina Mts. North of Tucson. My Cowboy education continued in the Santa Rita Mts. East of Green Valley. From near the Mexican Border to the Southern reaches of Montana I've chased cows, trained horses, hunted coyotes, mined copper, bucked off broncs, packed mules and rustled mustangs. I've sold hardware, cleaned carpets, hauled tractors and even raised sheep! I've lived a glorious life.
I admit to being... abnormal. Possibly an anachronism. I admit that in my words I express the belief that there is more to life than Healthcare. That Freedom Trumps Healthcare. That Liberty is of Greater Value and Treasure than Life itself. I freely admit that few hold that belief any longer, and that maybe my attempts to get that point across leave others as dumbstruck as I often find myself.
Do I have regrets? You bet. There have been heart ripping sorrows that still wake me in the night. Would I like to be able to go back and wipe those from my memory? At times, when I feel close to choking on them? I would... but then I think... it is those scars that have carved me into who I am. With all my many faults, I still like... Me.
For all of my life I've heard and been told that Cowboys were a dying breed. I should take on something more acceptable with my life. It would appear from some comments of the past couple of days that there's those that don't think I've done that and would appreciate the loss of one more of us. Sorry to disabuse ya'll of that idea... but I think I'll hang around and keep stirrin' the pot a mite more.
I love this land in ways I cannot put into words. I've served not only this land with my sweat, and my blood. I've placed my life in service to the people of this land, on more than one occasion. I've paid taxes since I was 14. I have NEVER complained about or tried to duck my fair share, and take offense at that Idea, made by implication. I do however complain when effort and success is punished and parasitism is rewarded.
I as well am astounded by the claims of those who try to tell me that I am required to seek the permission of a bureaucrat to wander around the lands not within the city limits fences. While the Wolf and the Coyote are "Granted" the right to go where and when they please, without permit or fee.
I claim the RIGHTS granted to Wolves and Coyotes. I will by God set my camp on uninhabited land without seeking the kings permission. The King does not, contrary to popular belief, own all the land and everyone on it. I will camp my rig on the Boss's land, where I choose to.
There is something I have noticed in conversation when the subject of service is discussed; Most of those, a heavy majority, who seek the entitlements that I have spoken of for the past few days always seem to have found such service inconvenient when it was their turn. They expect to be defended, hell they demand it! But lo and behold, when it's their turn to place their lives on the line in defense of their community, or just an individual within it... they are remarkably absent.
I have sacrificed my safety, my income and my future in defense of friends, and even on occasion in defense of those I never knew simply because it was the right thing to do. I don't say this as boast, but merely to define the code of behavior I was taught.
Does my ego, ideas, or intelligence make me in any way a person I believe worthy of climbing up on some pedestal ?... well, you bet!... If you set the damn three foot thing in a ten foot deep hole first.
Before I get back to straight up conversation about Yondering through the land I love, and a Life of Glorious Liberty... Granted to me by the Boss I serve as well... let me leave you with this film...

It is the amazing work of JD King, a young fella from Southwest Montana who has an amazing future ahead of him. Do Him and the states of Montana and Idaho a Favor. Get as Many of your friends as you can to watch this man's work. It contains lessons about far more than wolves. Amazing for a man of his youth.
I'll bet you didn't realize that the Wolf you tried to see in Yellowstone was all tied up in this mess too did you?
The film not only discusses a few truths about the Wolf in the Intermountain States... but opens a window through which you can glimpse the face of the resident evil I have described.
There is something to consider. All we have, is each other. The government doesn't care about us. It cares about it's power. It is simply a tool of the real unseen power that owns it. What we are left with is each other.
The divisiveness you see around you these days is no accident and it is The Threat. It is the tool used by those in power to keep us fractured and fighting each other. It is cliche'd but no less true - Divide and Conquer. Those doing the dividing have exhibited exquisite skill.
All of us together are difficult to control. But if we can be kept fighting against each other the smaller groups are easy to manipulate. We are used against each other, to control each other. We are serving as our own Jailers.
All we have, is each other. If you can SEE the cage we are keeping ourselves in, the bars disappear. Your awareness is your greatest strength. Our greatest strength. We have divisions and disagreements. And, we have two choices.
We can either work together to achieve solutions. We can Force Government to obey the will of the people and regain some honor and integrity... or... we can all give each other a big hug, bend over and kiss our backsides good bye, because the game will be over.
Some Days You Just Have to Stand With Your Mouth Hanging Open in Amazement
I understand you, Brian...and it's OK to speak your mind, unless I woke up in North Korea...having been a seeker of freedom and a soldier in the 'Nam. I choose not to be a carpenter's nail falling to the ground of driven in to a permanent trap in the wood. The people will never get together, though. Too many diverse views on society building or escape from said society. You can raise your head only so far...and then the powers that be will step in. Raise it too far, and here comes the smart nukes. Not what our freedom fighting forefathers had in mind, I suspect...
Although we are not on the road at the moment, we adore the west, and we always enjoy your posts.
I don't think you're abnormal at all. You're quite sane. And correct.
The people who are always screaming about entitlement and redistribution of wealth are often the ones who don't even consider finding a way to help truly needy people individually. Instead, they want the government to take money from others and do the things that individuals should be doing. Since when should the government rob an American of their right to be a charitable neighbor when a need arises?
And you are right about the land.
I fear that we are entering perilous times, and we need folks to speak the truth. Thank you for doing that.
I can relate...100% (howl!!!!)
Most I think don't get what you're talking about when you speak of "sticking your head up too far" or the grievous risk a person takes when they do. Thanks for "getting" that. ;) me? I just invoke the words of Crazy Horse... "It's a good day...." Live Well and Free my Friend.
Thanks Suzan, not to worry about perilous times. Only that what days you do have are lived with honor and dignity... And maybe a mite of pure foolishness! ;) just for fun.
That is all a person can ask for. If more could "relate" the bosses would lose their power. Keep on keepin' on!
Brian,I totally get you. I don't post comments here often, but I enjoy your honesty, and point of view. Too many have no understanding of the word honor, and what it is to live a life with honor and integrity regardless of the consequences. It is easy to be honorable when there is no price to be paid. You and I are willing to pay the price.
There are those who are welcome at my fire any time. It is my belief, they know who they are ;)
I'll bring some wood...;) BiLL
There is absoutely nothing wrong with your thought process.
I fully understand and support you.
It is your life; live it the way you choose.
Disregard the nay-sayers. They don't know what they are talking about.
Suzan: I've known Brian for a very long time, back when he had hair, and he's definitely not "normal".
Good post Mr Gore!
ROFLM... UM... Backside... Off ;)
Similar to you, I was born in Arizona and was raised in Ohio, and now live in Arizona again. I understood your post just fine and agree with much of what you wrote. Socialism is a disease which is why the 2012 election is so important.
Your blog and comments have made for interesting reading the last few days. A good political discussion is good for the soul, and one of the problems with our society is that there is way too little political discussion. Usually it is just people on one side of an issue preaching to the choir. It is good to see opposing views expressed.
It seems that to many "socialism" is the worst thing possible, while others see "socialism" as absolutely necessary.
I believe that is the only accepted views these days, as both major political parties support the idea of millions of workers in the USA should live in, or near, poverty, so the rest of us can live a comfortable life.
The only difference being, those on the right seemingly want to end, or drastically reduce most social welfare programs, so the country would look more like Mexico, while those on the left want to maintain, or increase social welfare programs to supplement the incomes of the workers living in or near poverty, more like Canada.
I dont accept either position! In all the discussion, no one has mentioned the 800 pound gorilla in the room; the huge oversupply of low skilled and unskilled workers in this country that has driven down wages and benefits for millions of workers in this country over the last 40 years or so.
This huge over supply of low skilled and unskilled workers comes from one main source, to wit, illegal immigration!
Had both major political parties not supported virtually unlimited illegal immigration into this country, we would not be in the economic straights we now find ourselves in, and we wouldnt have to be making the economic choices we are now having to make!
We have faced similar situations in this country before.
Where is Teddy Roosevelt when we need him!
I disagree with part of the comment by Ann or Paul Stough:
"This huge over supply of low skilled and unskilled workers comes from one main source, to wit, illegal immigration!"
It is not only illegal immigration that has contributed to the over supply of low skilled or no skilled workers in this country. We have been building that supply for the past 40 years with native born that are poorly educated. Education standards have been lowered to the lowest common denominator during that time to protect 'self esteem' and equalize achievement for all. So now everyone gets an "A" but graduate from high school, and some from college, not able to read or do simple math.
I agree here too. It's not illegals that ruined this country, it's illegals who BUILT this country. The railroads on the backs of Chinese, tobacco and cotton on the backs of Africans... are we so quick to forget our past? That land you call yours belonged to the native people long before we white people came and wiped them out and tried to force our rules and religion upon them. Please remember that you and I were the original illegals to this country... why do we feel like we can deny others the rights we came here to seek... because they don't have bigger guns and cannons? We need to see this for what it is and get our heads out of our own asses.
I agree here too. It's not illegals that ruined this country, it's illegals who BUILT this country. The railroads on the backs of Chinese, tobacco and cotton on the backs of Africans... are we so quick to forget our past? That land you call yours belonged to the native people long before we white people came and wiped them out and tried to force our rules and religion upon them. Please remember that you and I were the original illegals to this country... why do we feel like we can deny others the rights we came here to seek... because they don't have bigger guns and cannons? We need to see this for what it is and get our heads out of our own asses.
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