Friday, January 8, 2016

Pure and Simple... El Nino is a Punk

The last three days... have sucked...and the next... I don't know how many... are predicted to be as lousy.

For those who wait all summer to revel in the winter wasteland... I suggest you seek professional care... and move to Finland, or maybe Norway. The folks there are equally twisted in their perceptions of the value and wonder of winter...

Just to say it plain and clear; Don't want any mis-understandings... I. HATE. Winter. I hate its guts and liver.

*The calm before the storm*

The weatherman said a "possibility", like 50% or so... of... RAIN showers...

*The Ponies are as grumpy as me...*

The sun tries to break out... and then another crystallized "Rain" shower curses the ground... grrrrrrrr....

Won't be no deck stone work today... or the next few I believe... Kinda gets in the way of working colts too... and those colts NEED to be worked as bad as I NEED to be workin' 'em.

This grumpy old buster is NOT a happy "camper"...

And then... the NOAA publishes their doctored up figures claiming that 2015 was the warmest on record thanks to an especially warm December... I read where they specifically named that "Warmer than usual" happening in the southwest...

Uh... really?

This warmest on record BS is blowing my energy budget all to hell... trying to stay warm...

Just Freezing on the desert from Global Warming...


The Furry Gnome said...

Sorry about that! At least you're not up here getting snow for 2-3 months!

Unknown said...

I agree, winter sucks! Been stuck in the north country due to doc appointments and family commitments. Maybe next month we'll get far enough south to get away from winter. Stay warm!