Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Finishing Up and Getting Ready for Yet Another Leaving

Seeing the end of my stay here coming on in a rushin' hurry I've been peckin' away at the chores I need to button up before I haul.

Finished up that more permanent generator mount...

Taking this pic I discovered I need to tighten up that muffler a touch. I'm thinking it shouldn't be moving over against the fuel tank that-a-way. ;)

Also added a small water tank to replace the jugs I've always carried. It holds some little bit more than the jugs did and should be a mite more convenient.

Along the same lines of that muffler (Things burning that shouldn't) when I was pulling that conduit out of the fiver I discovered maybe the way the water found it's way in... though... that part should have stayed dry too... so the mystery is still not resolved...

We ran the conduit for the power cable from the solar panels on the roof to the solar controller down through the Refrigerator cooling shaft.

It was the common and recommended way...

Welllll... I don't think so any more. The conduit had a hole burned clean through it, where it had got in contact with the exhaust of the propane burner side of the refrigerator.

The only part still connected was that little bit of white you can see by my second knuckle... not so good!

So... with the install on the "New" rig I chose to run the conduit over the side and avoid any such conflicts...

Running it down along the awning arm "sorta" hides it a little. Either way it's just not much of a thing. Another bit of flexible conduit to run it from where it goes through the wall and then into the compartment right under the awning arm.

That's where I put the controller. Hopefully it's all weather tight and burn protected!

I used #4 welding cable to take the power the ten feet of line needed to get to the batteries. Took a bit of gymnastics to crawl around under the frame of the rig... with one wing still being kinda iffy... but got it done without a spark... well... not any big ones.

Running the control wire was pretty simple... Just followed where I'd run the batter cables on top of the frame; zip tying it in place here and there to keep it where it's supposed to live.

When I plugged the Control monitor back in and bolted down the ground cable on the battery... all worked just like it always has.

 Only a few more small odds and ends to lock down before I leave.

The Coop is pretty much done.

 She still has some cosmetic "stuff" she's gonna do up on the gable ends and some flower gardens I guess she's gonna plant around the front, but the chicks that are now mini hens have their house and their big run. Hung a "game bird" net over that to keep the chickens in and the hawks out...

Another very few sunrises and it's back down that lonesome highway for me...



The Furry Gnome said...

That's one handsome chicken coop! Hope your next wanderin' goes well.

Spotted Dog Ranch: said...

Good luck on your future travels, Brian.

Smitty said...

It would appear you need some "windshield time". Road sounds. Unknown corners of rural comerce. Questionable coffee and local justice. A surprise or ttwo that alter the compas all for he good. Hoping you exit from "radio silence" in good shape.