Saturday, January 24, 2015

Sunsets, Cold wind and a Sadness On The Desert.

A few days ago I pulled in here to stay for a few days... Snyder Hill BLM... to wait to move over to the Pima Country Fairgrounds for the annual buying trip...

It seemed good until day two when the truck broke... again.

I was waiting on a repair appointment for next Tuesday to drive the truck in. But... the intermittent problem became a full time failure of the APP (accelerator position sensor)... what I've always called the TPS (Throttle position sensor).

Same dang high dollar part I replaced nigh two years ago...

So... I had it towed yesterday morning just to have it in early... just in case. And it worked. They got to it right away. They called last night and told and they'd have it repaired this morning... Four days before the appointment! I thought maybe things were looking up...

Well... this day started out good... Until...

While I was waiting for that call... having my morning coffee... the realities of life struck with a cold and melancholy sadness...

A "neighbor" here on the desert who I didn't know and hadn't even spoken too... passed... just 200' or so from my window. His remains were found laying by the steps of his rig, between the Sheriff vehicle and the motorhome in the photo below.

A Vet himself, here for the VA hospital... Passed alone in a cold and windy desert... Anomalies in the scene raise questions about the way of his passing. The best of sad scenarios is a medical issue. The worst... murder.

Either way... It hangs a great sadness on me. Too many Old Soldiers pass alone and cold... It's a sadness to me.

The last couple nights had gone out with such beauty... this day starts with such melancholy...

Keep your eyes on the horizon... and keep moving... follow your heart... it's all there is really.



Unknown said...

It's a thing that can stick to ya for a bit. Sad for sure.

Here is to better days ahead.

Unknown said...

The man who passed is John..I have known him for about 10 years..he was recieving help at the VA clinic..major health problems!
When I left Snyderhill 3 weeks ago...he told me this was his last trip!
He intende to go home and live with his niece!
I drove by Snyderhill last wed...I saw John sitting in his chair outside his friend. did not want to stop..I wish I stopped!
He was a gentle soul!

Brian said...

Betty, yes his name was John. I found out later. The Deputies dotted every i and crossed every t for many hours recording every detail. In the end, when I asked the lead investigator what their instinct was, they felt likely that their tests and analysis would back up their gut feeling that it was a medical issue and not evil in play here. Everyone here who I've talked to has said the same as you; a bright and good person.

Unknown said...

I am glad that someone knew the vet who passed and hopefully the niece got word. Glad you got your truck attended to early, as well.

MTWaggin said...

Your last words are really the truth of it all! So sorry about John and we can only hope that his last days were where he wanted to spend them.