Thursday, June 27, 2013

From Top Dollar Scenery in Free Camps and Rollin' Homes that Have Gone Debt Free...

... to another Gift Camp from the State of Oregon, it's been a good week.

We stayed in Bullards Beach for five full days... Most of which rained. :) Which was OK since it allowed me the excuse I needed to sit inside doing... Cover your Ears!... work!

I been doggin' it too long and really been buckling down to get the site rebuilds done. While doing that I've been studying and researching and signing up and getting approved by a variety of affiliate sponsors.

The idea being that as I get the rebuild a bit further along you'll start seeing the links for camping equipment, clothing to have you dressed to the nines out in the woods, and there's even an outfit where you can get your best travel shots or whatever photography you do printed into high quality canvas prints for display.

As always, it's my intention to keep those low key and out of your way so you can find the info you want... and those links will just be there for you if and when you want 'em. Of course the deal with affiliate sponsors is that when you do utilize that vendor, I get a small piece of the pie for sending them the customer.

That leaves me the responsibility of only presenting quality companies to serve your needs. I'm looking forward to working with 'em! and lining up a place where you can have some confidence you'll find a reliable company.

So... that's a little bit more coming to the sites over the next few weeks... assuming I don't fall off the wagon and go completely back to the lazy drifter I've been for a bit! :)

In between rain showers we were able to get out and around a few times and collect up some memories and views of the place.

*The grass covered Dune at Bullards Beach*

I was pretty impressed with the paint and the dun below.They stood quiet facing into the wind while the A-Rab above dinked around all goosey in the breeze. I have to admit, the sand was pretty stinging, but those two below showed how a good mount should do it. ;)

I always wanted to ride on the beach... There's just no room beside the Raider to carry a saddle on the truck... and I'm pretty sure loading a horse in the fiver is a non-starter!

Even if the wind is blowin'... come back over the dunes off the beach and you're quickly sheltered by the trees and shrubs that fill the park and add plenty to the feel and privacy of the place. Even though there might be gobs of people close by, I didn't get that claustrophobic sensation I often get in such camps.

*View of the Draw Bridge from Bullards Beach*

We made the short run up to Coos Bay from camp for a moh-mentous OH-Kay-shun last Tuesday. The rig that was supposed to have got cleared by the sale of the house three years back, and didn't but you already know that story... finally got cleared according to the original 12 year plan. We made the final payment!

As hard as we've used it, the last year has been a horse race to see which would come first, the end of the debt or the end of the rig. She's road weary sure and certain. But now, as of Tuesday, our home on the highway is free and clear. Hopefully she'll hold up for a few more miles of at least repairable wandering! HooYa!

Coos Bay is an interesting place. If you only see the bit that lays along Hwy 101 you'd take it to be a worn, kinda shabby place. That would be a mistaken first impression. You have to turn west and climb the ridge away from the highway, and a whole other personality is gonna open up to you. Don't trust first impressions.

One thing I'm really taken with in Oregon is the attention they give to Vets. Ever'where you look there's plaques and memorials. It makes an old soldier feel kinda good, and grateful.

We're cheapin' out as much as we can this month in our continuing effort to catch back up after last months fun in Lincoln. ;) so when the Free Five day limit on our New Oregon Special Access pass for Vets rang the bell... we bumped a few miles north to just below Florence.

We're now settled in another state park to finish out this months allotment of ten free days at Jessie M. Honeyman state park.

Now... me being an inveterate boondocker and all... hmmm... that sounds a lot like a spineless cheapskate if you think about it! :) anyway... whichever I am... it's a bit of a surprise how nice these state parks are in Oregon. I expect the fact that I'm getting them as a gift to Disabled Vets has a hell of a lot to do with my change of heart!

But I'll tell you... being able to walk over to the shower house that's hidden in the trees just behind our camp... and stand under a hot shower till my silky soft lil' kiester is wrinkled like a prune from all that hot water is pure luxury... to a fella accustomed to bein' stingy with water and waste tank space!

Combine that with the scenery 'round about and like I was concerned the other day... these camps could be my ruination!

*Bridge at Coos Bay*

They don't build bridges the way they used to. It's a shame. The bridge at Coos Bay is a thing of beauty

Who decided that they should stop building bridges and public works that are beautiful anyway? I mean, If we're going to spend billions rebuilding the failing infrastructure of the country... why don't we follow some of the lessons of the past and QUIT with the nasty, ugly slabs of concrete?

Send the bridge architects on a trip to Oregon and Washington... and remind them how something utilitarian can still be a work of art that makes you smile and remember when you cross it...

Can you remember the last bridge you crossed? Did IT make you think; Wow, that is awesome! ???

We're running into one lil' burp in the road... the 4th of July... Since planning and reservations and such are not something I function well around ... We've got no place locked down to take us through the fourth.

Our "Cheap" stay here runs out the morning of the first. We could stay on I guess, but then the price jumps to $25 bucks a day or so... which for us is a budget buster... that is... if we had a budget left to BE busted. :)

This year the 4th comes earlier in the week... and there's NO reservations to be had at this late date... Soooo... what we're shootin' to do is be ready to roll, bright and early on the 1st... and try to scoot into a non-reservable site, just another bump north, to hog until the holiday passes!

Part of this biker cowboy master minded plan is to leave a six pack sitting out on the steps the next few nights... tucked into the back of one of those live traps, with one bottle popped open allowing its sweet scent to waft back into the forest... with any luck I'll catch that lil' Murphy pest and leave that merry mutant chained to the flagpole when we leave! Ha!

But then... like I said... me and plans...

Anyhoo... if you're comin' to the Pacific North West... find a way to take your time. Get out of your rig and walk on the beach... stroll through the tall timber... and be glad that you were able to be here.

Mountain High ~ Low on the Coast


JerryC said...

Mna, you're rattlin' the great memories cage this morning. We spent nearly a week at Honeyman state park two years ago. Loved that walk through the trees to get to the beach. Hope you catch ol' Murph....jc

Jack said...

Oregon, oh Oregon! Thanks for the memories.

Anonymous said...

Hey, we're in the SAME TOWN! We're just north of you at Harbor Vista County Park. We're heading to your park today to explore around. Want to meet-up?


Brian said...

JerryC; Missed him last night but I'm workin' on some fresh bait for tonight!

Jack; Oregon is fine for sure!

Wheelingit; We're gonna kayak on the lil' lake here in a few minutes... she wants to see if she can drown me. ;) We'll be back at the rig this afternoon, #29 ... or ... if there was a spot in town you might prefer?

Anonymous said...

Two purtiest bridges in Oregon...Yaquina Bay and Coos Bay!!

Anonymous said...

So sorry Brian. Ended up getting "busy" and never made it to Honeyman today after all. Ah well...

We may be moving on tomorrow. Still not sure where or how since we got a couple of days between now and our jobs in Bandon with no reservations. An RVers dilemma...what can you do..

Either way we'll be following your blog north!


Donna K said...

Just a few miles north of Florence is Carl G. Washburne State Park. It is a smaller park but lovely with most sites well-separated. It is a first come first served park. If you get there other than on a weekend, you stand a good chance of getting a spot. FHU sites are $26. A little further north is Tillicum Beach Campground. It's a forest service campground (I think) so if you have an America the Beautiful pass, it's half price. Don't know the cost but it's cheaper than Washburne as it doesn't have full hook-ups. It has some non-reservable sites. Good luck and enjoy the nicer weather we are having now.

Rakali said...

Here's what you can do for the 4th (and time around it). Florence is my second home city (being from WI). Head north into town and right at 126 to the casino. Free 7 days of camping, just register inside. Very quiet place generally.

Also, you are near many USF campgrounds. South of you are non-reservable spots and just north of Florence is Sutton and Alder (cheap spots, all under $20). Think Sutton is only one with electric spots though. They usually have spaces open on holidays if you get there a day or two before.

Also, if you need a full shower and laundry try the marina in Florence. Open to the public, free showers and their washers are the cheapest (and brand new) in town. It also has a dump station. Be sure to walk old town.

Washburn state park isn't too cheap and it is about 15 mins north of Florence, but it sure has some great trails! As does Honeyman.

If you go inland there are two blm ares along 126 but you'd have to check the site as they're doing upgrades so not always open.

Stay on the coast for this heat wave!

Brian said...

Wheeling it; If you run into "full up" signs to the south, The MILL casino in Coos Bay would likely have A FREE spot in their "parking Lot" dry camping to get past the 4th weekend in a pinch. :)

Rakali and Donna K; Many Thanks for the tips on spot. With as long a list as we've now got, we shouldn't have terrible difficulty finding a place to lay our heads without fearing a Poh-Leece tap on the door at Midnight! ;)

Shadowmoss said...

The last bridge I went over here I remember because I looked down to see the river and only saw sand. Last night was my first storm since moving to Phoenix, and it was all sand as well.