Sunday, June 23, 2013

Go here... go there... This one or that one? but what about the other... Oh look! A Butterfly!

Scattered, dis-focused and debilitated by the indecision of a prosperous imagination.

I have tripped and fell face first into the dreaded sewer of too many options and new bright Shiny bits. My mouth and ears and eyes are full of the sand of things that could be... if only... I Could Freaking CHOOSE! ;)

Possibilities... arrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh.

You know the deal... saddle a guy with too many choices and options and possibilities and the consequence is... NO CHOICES get made... and nothing gets done, cuz you get stuck in that tangled web of this that or the other.

Oooooffff... time to take a deep breath... suck it up... Cowboy Up and CHOOSE! and find a way to stop the niggling voices in the hollow recesses of an over active imagination, squalling that I chose wrong, from overpowering the ringing in my ears!

*Looking out of Old Town Bandon Oregon*

So... with the voices echoing in the dark void...and... before the rains returned last night we made a long mid day visit into town to peruse... that's a word you'll find few broke down biker cowboy wandering drifters using... the wares of the Bandon Farmers Market.

Tasted a few samples, Heidi added a sponge drying ceramic doo dad from a local potter... to add to the clutter around the sink and covering up the last of the open flat surface; thereby preventing dust from settling on that last bit of unused counter top...

... and got a tip from the potter to visit a local chocolate shop... a Spot known as "Coastal Mist".

Yeah... the "voices" in my head distracted and confused me such that though we declined to buy lunch at the farmers market for five bucks... 'cause we need to be more frugal...

... The $8 dropped at at a chocolate shop made supreme sense...

What can I say? It's a morality issue. Passing by chocolate is like slapping Nuns or spilling Beer!

It's a despicable thing to contemplate.

If you stop and think about it... it actually is a lot more frugal to eat chocolate... especially REAL chocolate...

... than fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts.

The calories of that gooey goodness are gonna last a LOT longer than that dang lettuce and walnuts!

And... I am weary of a world of reason, sense, duty, and the burdens of being sensible... Which would you rather have carved on your tombstone? "He was a reliable bloke that worked hard every day" ... or ... "He was a wild and wooly son-of-gun that lived his entire life with a glint in his eye, his hair on fire and his heart thumping like a Drum." ???

If you're one of those that has refused to do some dodgy or distasteful Thing of drudgery ...

...until "Pigs Fly"... here's a heads up...

You might just want to stay clear of Bandon...

We spent quite a lil' while walking around the old town area... which seems to be mostly a parking area for Harleys...

Every pub, tavern and eatery had its compliment sitting at the curb... I didn't see any "Metrics Forbidden" signs at the city limits... but from the ratio of Harleys to "Others" I was wondering if I'd just missed it! ;)

A couple of things pretty hard to miss are the "statues" built entirely of Sea Trash...

Proof the old saying is true I guess; "One man's trash is another man's treasure."

*A Barbie Hunting Car?*
Well, on this rainy day, between strolls between squalls, I better get back to Cowboyin' Up to sortin' through the conflagration of confusions to Make a Choice or two... or all you'll see in the future is a picture of a bald head with crossed eyes, a wild grimace... and smoke curling out of his ears...

Duckin' and Choosin'


Donna K said...

I too experienced a Saturday Market yesterday (in Eugene). Having avoided it for years, I found it was more than pleasant. Didn't buy chocolate but they had this yummy pastry topped with fresh berries that was music to my mouth. The weather should improve over the next several days so you'll again have to make that onerous decision on which Oregon delight to pursue (or peruse!).

Anonymous said...

The great thing about the Oregon Coast..there's so many wonderful things to see and do!

Jack said...

I love to read anything and everything about Oregon…especially the coast. You just CAN'T be bored -- it's impossible!

Brian said...

I see Oregon has a lot of fans... me included...

Unnnnnfortunately... for THIS old keyboard bangin' buster... I am FORCED to work! ;)

All my recent "Renovations" on the websites created a HUGE amount of work that is now URGENTLY screamin' to be done. A lot of the Old content and doo dads don't fit properly into the New Website format on the Main sites... so the rebuild that was needing to get done quickly... is now DEMANDING to get done NOW, Cuz the Whacked out pages are biting a chunk out of our income.

Tell me THAT ain't Karma! :)

Boo Hoo poor poor me... Luckily it's been raining a lot so I don't feel Soooo bad 'bout having to spend so much time inside slavin' away :)

It's another example of that "Balance" thing that Lloyd talks about. ;)

Unknown said...


you are fortunate to be able to make money from the Internet.

I have ridden to Oregon many times but we only go south as far as Florence. I was in Florence last July but it never occurred to me to head to Bandon. Looks like a nice place from your photos.

Eenie, meany miney moe, which should I take ? a $5. lunch or an $8. chocolate delicacy ? I am still evaluating and I'll let you know if ever I encounter that situation

Riding the Wet Coast

Unknown said...

Howdy Mr Gore, NDR:

You getting lazy in you're old age? Four days without an update from the Oregon Coast? don't tell me you've got nothin' to say, I know better.

Just spent the late afternoon and early evening shooting prairie dogs with the oldest Grandson. He's 10.5. That .5 is important when you're only 10. Had a great time. He got to shoot the AR-10T for the first time and now he's spoiled. Says he doesn't want to shoot the .22 anymore. He scored well with big AR-10T.


Brian said...

Bob; There's too many places and too little time :)

Mike; a mixture... lazy and TOO much work. had a day of misery with site rebuild "issues" all impacted by scatterbrained "butterfly" syndrome