Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Answer is BOTH!

The question was; Are the UN-repentant gypsies such as me running away from something... or running toward?

And just to say it... running away is not always cowardice. When a big ugly nasty is slobbering after your liver... and all you got is a slingshot, running is not such a bad idea.

When you look at the world at large and our own cities up closer... the growing insanity of humanity is to my thinking... about as close as you can get to a big ugly nasty!

I don't need to remind you of the lunacy that's occurred in the past few years let alone the past few days... within our own people. We don't have to go to Syria to find it. Neither you nor I are going to change any of that... except within that bit of life We Can Control. Our OWN lives.

I am running away... from what I cannot change... and toward that which I can.

I thought I'd run for the mountains one more time... but that Murphy must have read my map and was waitin' in ambush. For a time... I was an un-pleasant yonderer... and unknowing of events in other places.

But... you and I can't let that crap win. When it comes around you have to grab that beast by the throat and shake it till it quits squeekin'. I'm serious. There is no understanding pure evil... and it there is no compassion for it... just squeeze till the squeekin' stops.

Then go to the high up and lonesome... and when those dark clouds begin to gatherin'...

*A bit of weather in our new camp*
 Grab a cool one and enjoy the show. The Boss's light show is 'bout to begin!

We got the truck back to the stranded trailer a lot faster than I'd expected... Hitched up in a rushin' hurry 'cause just up that "badder Chunk of road" that had stopped me the day before... there was a pretty nice spot for a camp...

I was fearful with the weekend comin' on... some other devil would ace us out... but we beat 'em all to it, and we got the camp!

Then we ran on back down that 12 miles or so to Steamboat to get the Bike that was waitin' on me and rode it back up to the new camp.

Used up the last of the afternoon taking a nice hike up the mountain slope behind us and toward a coming storm...

*Storm over the Rockies*

The thing is... when it's getting ugly. When the crazies are trying to break your heart and your soul... you have to deliberately reach out for two opposing things...

The big stick to mercilessly beat the Evil into unrecognizable pulp with... and the soft and soul filling beauty that gives you the strength to endure the psychotic spasms of the world around us...

Heidi climbed a big Ol' rock, and found where someone long past had built a Throne to survey the mountains from.

*The Throne*

Even the Younger Bikers... flailin' up the mountain... makes me smile if I let it... They were havin' a ball... and hurtin' no one... they all slowed down respectful when another vehicle or a pedal biker was near...

*Dirt Bikers playin' in the dirt*

Respect and Beauty... It's something we have to deliberately, consciously seek out... when the brutal and psychotic world strikes too close and too hard... We can't let it win... We have to seek out the things of beauty and nurture respect among those that are worthy of it.

So... We take our "walks in the park"... and put our Knees in the Wind on two wheels... and at the end of the day... we find our way back to camp...

And most of the a camp that the psychos of the world stay far from... For Their Own Good...

*Coming Home to a safe and quiet camp*

It seems the world is going insane. Out here, when I succeed in forcing myself to turn off the news... the pundits and the fear mongers... I can't see that lunacy. What I can't change doesn't touch me. Out here is the peace and beauty created for us to treasure. I let the world soak in its own stupidity... and I live, ignoring that which I can... and I... Gather up as much of this Antidote that I can.

When I walk in somewhere and folks ask; "How are you doing?" I give 'em one of two replies...

Stayin' Alive! ... or ... Still Breathin'!


Anonymous said...

Great commentary today ... my friend talk frequently of the choices we have and how the world around us is out of our control. Yet, for some unknown reason we both sit here in our own different situation unable to breakaway. I don't live anywhere near a city but the 65K population college town 25 miles away is seeing more and more crime. If it's ok with you, I'd like to copy one of your pictures of your campsite on the hill and make it my background here at home and at work.

Cindy Kingma said...

This post today is the most beautiful and closest bit of understanding of how I feel and try to live by that you've ever uttered. I'm so glad that you said these things. The only peace anyone can find is within one's self and what they will or won't tolerate from the world's craziness. Love that you and Heidi found it. Hugs!

Brian said...

Bhounds; be my guest. If a picture I took helps somebody along the way that's awesome! ;)

Cindy; Thanks... it's things I have to deliberately apply. I tend toward knocking heads ;)

Cindy Kingma said...

I find nothing wrong in 'knocking heads' if you are finding yourself being attacked or in helping someone who is....otherwise keep your fists closed and just try to be a 'happy camper'!! And the more you 'deliberately apply' stuff, the more of a good habit will develop...end of today's old lady lecture..Hee Hee! :))