The past couple of weeks has served to renew that understanding.
We left the Far Country of the Tonto and spent a couple of days parked in Tempe for a Dog agility trial... and then moved to PIR for a lil' bit of necessary job time... trying to subsidize the diesel bill.
Yesterday, with our NASCAR work done for a bit, and pretty much at the limit of my tolerance for Town... We ran for the desert. We're parked back on the desert for a couple of weeks to refresh a bit... and then have to return to PIR for another week of work at the Good Sam RV Rally.
*a soft Desert Sunset* |
Sitting between the sunset last night... that was quiet and soft...
... and the gentle breeze that accompanied this morning's sunrise...
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*Break of Dawn on the Desert* |
I've noticed that... though a guy might want to just turn away from the noise of the world... the world ain't gonna let him just walk away without a fight. It throws in as much STUFF as it can to prod and provoke... hoping to trip him up and force him back into the fold...
Back on the ranch we had no TV and little radio. I went for weeks 'thout seein' a newspaper... and you know what? The stupidity of the talking heads and BS'ing politicos rattled right along just fine... without me.
Now-a-days... things bein' as they are, I'm required to "be in touch" so to speak... The beans on my table depend on me doing my thing here on the net... so ignoring the huge piles of fermenting road apples spewing out of the mouths of the propogandists employed by the Machine in D.C. on that same "Net" as I dip in here to get my work done... is a full time job.
They won't be ignored. It takes deliberate and conscious effort to turn off the sound coming from the bull spewing fools.
I'm remembering some old lines from one of Bill Cosby's stand up comedy routines. The one about the "Selective Hearing" of his dad and grand dad... I'm working at polishing up and putting that skill to work.
With a bit of effort I'm hoping I can tune out the vocal sewage we're all bludgeoned with...
'Cause, the simple truth is... No matter what I say or think, I'm not going to change what they do. Their trail has already been chosen. Nothing is going to turn ANY of those idiots from the path they're on... or even change that path. The puppet masters own that game, and I've not a shadow of the dinero required to buy into the game.
The only path I have control of... is my own. The only ability I have is to see those puppet strings... take out my K-Bar... and cut 'em.
Out here it's quiet. No strings... No fireworks. No Race track floodlight generators 24/7. No hot rods rumbling at 2 a.m. No sirens. Hell, there's little traffic on the road a couple of hundred yards away.
Only the sound of the wind in the Palo Verde trees.
It's the sort of place that heals the town tattered soul of a man, Born out of season. Born for a time, Long Gone By.
The silence is heavy on the Desert. Or in the High Up and Lonesome. A glorious heavy blanket that drowns out the voices of the clamoring idiots demanding their right to use the lives and property of everyone else.
Here, out in far country life is real. A friend sent me a link... a simple little video of Real Life. Pure Life.
Kind of puts things in perspective. This guy... or gal?... is honest. Just doing it's thing and living life. Without some parasite telling it... that it owes some of it's fish.... to the parasite... It has an honest life.
I wanna be an Osprey... or maybe a Falcon ;)
Bimbo???? That raises the female hackles!! Don't MAKE me bring out the male versions I know....
Brian , you are pretty dead on with your assessment of things , however we really need the noise,lights ,congestion of the Big City to make us really appreciate the serenity of the woods/desert . Lucky for you and a few others that you only have to endure the agony on a part time basis, small doses make it much more tollerable. Have a good time in Q...Scott
Cindy; Haul 'em out! You'll not hurt my feelings... That would be her boyfriend... Boyfriends? Emphasizing "boy"
Calling names of a woman you have never met, and make a call from what you read...well, lets just say I thought you would make a better 'call' on a woman than that. Names that can include anyone in a derogatory way just puts YOU in Rush's category, too. That where you wanna be? Its NOT about what she is advocating of what I speak...its just a general assumption that she MUST be a harlot or bimbo because she said what she said. I don't have any disagreement with the "take birth control as your own responsibility" that ticks you off; couldn't you (or anyone else for that matter) just say "College student" says....why does everything have to get down to the level of @##%#*&^% in front of someone's viewpoints? Just BECAUSE???? Mean spiritedness is what is all around us, every day, and that makes it worse when you join in...Don't ya see?? I'm not claiming I've NEVER done that...just trying to stop myself and others I see that I respect, from joining the fray....Not a good thing, my friend. And in closing...nananananananananananan!
You know what Cindy? Point well made and heard. I stand corrected. "College student" it is.
Thanks, Brian! Got a big hug waitin,' should you and Heidi ever get up our way. Remember that movie "Pay It Forward"?? That's where we wanna be, OK? (NOT toxifying the world more) :))
Brian,Did you listen to the young womans testimony or read the transcript? If you did not the transcript is on the internet, I suggest you read it for yourself, if you did not already.Her testimony was about health issues,,Not so much about birth control.Birth Control Pills are used for medical Problems as well as pregancy prevention. I suspect that had it been your wife or daughter who testified,you would be hopping mad if someone attacked them the way this college student was attacked.Personally I think birth control is a good thing.How many children have been abandoned by the NOT so responsible Male ?? As for who pays for it,which is Cheaper ? Another human being to care for or Abort or Give up for adoption, or a little up front Prevention,,As a Male you should know what is Most on the Minds of Young MALES..Are the males going to use Prevention ? I digress this whole testimony was NOT about Birth Control,,but about Health issues. We may not agree on the issues but I am with Cindy,we do not have to resort to name calling. I have followed your blog for sometime and admire what you are doing,,I really hope you are successful with your life style...But I have got to tell you I was disappointed when I read your comment concerning this young woman, Again if you have not read the Transcript Please do so, It May give you a different perspective or not.. The transcript is easy to find..One Old Man
I have listened to her own voice, speak her own words. My characterization of her was truly a momentary lapse and wrong. And as printed in the comment above, I admitted and corrected that.
I can empathize with your desire to be left alone out in the desert and not to have to hear all the BS our politicians are spouting. It's bad enough normally but in an election year; OMG! It seems that we are becoming more and more polarized, unwilling even to listen to one another. It's sad and scary.
Enjoy the desert, hopefully you'll enjoy the rally. Take care.
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