Friday, January 31, 2014

Irresponsible, Unreasonable... and In the Wind...

The mountains in Arizona... make it hard for a drifter that's tryin' hard to be reasonable.

I sit and concentrate on the words in front of me... My eyes cross and my mind wanders. I try to tune out the voice... but I Always fail..

Those hazy purple mountains keep whispering... briiiannn... come to meeeee... see what's on the other side.

Even after a thousand sunsets... that seem to run together... if you give 'em just a moment, stop what you're doing and watch... the light changes and it's new...

Life says; Be reasonable. Do the job and quit-cher-bitchin'...

The purple mountains whisper... screw the regulators... let the bankers wait... put down your tools for a bit... life is here now so don't be late...

Today I should write. I should... I should work and produce and be reasonable...

Blech... I'm gonna throw a leg over, put it in the wind for a day... and lose the nastiness of reasonable, in the wind...

Makin' a Circle


Cindy Kingma said...

A day off??? Well, ya just might get 'inspired' with that day out there riding....ya might need that 'wind' to blow out the cobwebs ... :D

Glenda Laine said...

Hey ya gotta clear the brain somehow occasionally.