Monday, December 9, 2013

Burros and Cowboy Mental Gyrations

You might wonder what they eat in the places they live in what some see as a bleak and forbidding desert... There's no grass to speak of here. Sage and creosote bush. Mesquite and Paloverde...

That's what makes jack asses so hard to beat... the buggers can prosper on what others would pass on by and never see...

There's a small herd here, maybe a half dozen or so. They "Grazed" by yesterday afternoon, maybe three or four hundred yards off. What they were "Grazing" on was the trees themselves. They pruned off the freshest tips of the brush and Paloverde trees... and then moved on...

It's been said that the last two critters on earth will be a coyote and a cockroach... I'm of the opinion that a burro is gonna be right in there givin' 'em a run for their money.

Well... a burro probably being ridden by a politician...

I'm well into a bad episode of A.D.D. Working on any one thing for more than a couple hours, if that, is nigh on to impossible... so I tool leather, write a few thousand words, practice up some braiding with a hank of cord I picked up, doodle, do some quick online research for a story... take the dogs for a short walk... sweep the floor, put things away that got forgot the first three times, check this and that... and then... repeat... oh, and the laundry, propane and water to deal with...

While watching burros, bikers and fighter planes...

... all with quite some little bit of spinning in kaleidoscope lit circles mixed in to keep things interesting and get some bonus exercise.

I don't know if it's actually a diagnosable case of A.D.D, advanced old timers syndrome or the consequence of of an over active imagination hobbled by an under performing wallet.

Whatever it is... it's taking some genuine conscientious effort to focus on any one thing long enough for it to show some progress!

I'm gonna go stumble aother spin through the desert for a bit and work off some more kaleidoscoping gyrations...

 It May be a different drummer... but it's MY different Drummer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If my wallet was as big as my imagination..I'd have to tow it behind my truck!