Thursday, May 16, 2013

Uh Oh... He's At It Again!

Yup... things are changing all over again! :)

I'd become dissatisfied with how all my online work "Looked". It just hit me that it was cluttered and... sloppy... and a bit confusing maybe. (just goes to show, even old dodgers like me can still learn!).

I am well aware of my scattered focus ;) since I'm constantly burning my fingers on the multiplying irons I've been loading into the fire!

Soooooo... the consequence is, while I'm in the process of that full site rebuild I've been slowly working on, to fit into the "new" system my internet provider has created... I've also set about cleaning up the mess I've gathered...

I'm sure you can see the New Look on this blog... it's part of a complete housecleaning and renovation of all my online work.

You can get the details on My NEW Home page BK Gore (it's also on that new navigation widget in the upper left hand corner of this blog)

It'll take me a lil' bit... like a few days or more ;) to get everything moved around and rearranged... but I think it'll be a lot easier to understand and navigate through for all my readers.

One last Heads Up... While your bookmark for this blog should still work... the url won't change, I've decided that the Title/Name doesn't separate it from the Main RV Boondocking website... so...

... As soon as I conjure up its own name and create a new header for it... You'll be seeing that change here...

Ouch! ... Damn! Burnt my fingers... Again! ;)

Many Thanks for all your patience

*Ed Note (5/17/2013) I executed the majority of a complete site rebuild of my main RV Boondocking site this morning. You can check it out by clicking through either of the new navigation links in the upper left corner of this blog; or You can go through these links to my new "central" home page at BK Gore Home  and on to the GRVB site with the link there, or straight to the site via this link; Goin' RV Boondocking . Let me know what you think of the NEW site look!


Anonymous said...

Always some tweeking to do here too!! I totally relate. Thought we had everything we need but went out and bought some more gotta haves. Just to make it a tad better.

Lookin' good.

Wil said...

I like the look and feel now when viewed on my Kindle HD. Much cleaner. Your hard work is appreciated.