Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hiking Poles Ain't Just for Granola Eating Yuppies!

Gimped up old biker cowboy vets can put 'em to good use too!

Have you ever noticed that a three legged stool is a lot more stable on rough ground than a bicycle? The same idea works pretty good for bi PEDS too.

Was a time I "Don't need no stinkin' Hiking Pole". Buuuuut the advent of busted bones, wobbly balance and the infirmity that goes with a slow learner sort of mentality in the rough and tumble world of a biker cowboy redneck has provided the motivation for a slight shortening of the list of things I Don't Need.

We've talked about and looked at the fancy, store bought hiking poles at REI and all the other sporting goods outlets. Truth be known... I just couldn't never bring myself to drop $75 or even $100+ on a pair of spindly, recycled beer can, telescoping sticks; let alone that much for one!

Me? I'm more of a make do with what I got and complain 'cause it ain't as good as I coulda done sort of guy. It comes from the old adage that if a soldier ain't complaining... send him to sick call... 'cause SOMETHING is obviously wrong! ;)

So... in amongst all our travels and stumbling through the woods we've kept our eyes peeled and here and there picked up a few chunks of tree that momma nature discarded.

 The one on the left got found up near Red Feather Lakes and the one on the right we discovered laying along side a beaver pond above Gunnison. It stll bears the tooth marks of the beaver that cut it.

They had lumps and snags comin' out off  'em that I cut and ground off with a rasp. With a bit of sandpaper and a quarter sheet sander I smoothed 'em all down to be comfortable in our hands.

I still need to do a little artistic tinkering to make 'em fashionable I guess, and should seal 'em with something... but for now... they get the job done.

From scrambling around in the above timberline high rocks...

To just helpin' an Army gimp stay mobile over lil' obstacles along the trail... having a Hiking Pole is a fairly convenient accessory on your hikes.

They even help a lame old geezer climb a gettin'-higher-in-the-Rockies,  make-you-grunt-a-bit slope a lot easier.

It's kind of amazing how much load it takes off your legs if you're pushin' off with that pole on each step. And just think... If you're doin' that you can dump that gym membership and move that money to your BEER budget! ;)

I like the found and whittled on variety most. They carry their own memories of where you found 'em and the places you've been.

But... if you're more attuned to the high technology of aircraft aluminum and high tensile fiberglass... REI, Sports authority and probably even Bass Pro will take care of you...

and you know... when the old man is teasin' you about how dainty you're bein'... crossin' that next creek... You'll have something to whack him with!

Now before I close for this post, a few purty pictures from recent days...

*Along the trail*

*Life and Death*

Now... as always... it's back to work for me! I'm well into the carving of the 4th book... This time... Mr. Ben Jensen has got himself into what I believe is a genuine murder mystery modern western difficulty! ;) Not to mention that #5 with Jeb and Ben finding fresh challenges is bumping along...

Duckin' the Whacks


klbexplores said...

They're also a mighty fine stabilizer to cure a shaky camera. I just know at heart you are a born again tree hugger!

gumo said...

They say a dog is mans best friend but the older I get, I am thinking my hiking stick is right up there with the best of dogs. At least I can take it hiking with me.


Lib and Johns Adventure said...

Did you notice the bald eagle head in the top right of the rock the sticks are laying against

Anonymous said...

Great Idea, we ill be on th lookout for ours too!

Great pictures, esp the barn,


Brian said...

Cozy, gumo, Wayne; Looks like I struck a chord with a couple of folks! gives you something to look for while you're walkin'!

klbexplores; Yes Ma'am! I do that a LOT! ;) and more of a ~ Tree Whittler! ha ha!

Lib and John... I didn't until you called my attention to it :) though... with my twisted mind... I kinda see an Iguana too! :)