Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Under the Frozen Surface...

Lies the Arizona Mud... The storm is past... but the waiting continues...

*Sunrise After the Storm*
Rained and spit snow most of yesterday... and the wind blew... at least for what it does around here.

Don't mean to insult the power of the Arizona weather... but... the wind here ain't got nuthin' on the Colorado Plains... or Wyoming. :)

I thought it was starting to break up late yesterday afternoon, but last night... it kicked in it's last gasp and left a thin layer of frosty, crispy snow to wake up to this morning...

*Sun Teasing After the storm, just before Sunset*

Yeah... it teased us. The wind dropped, the sun peaked out and though it might still be cold, it was a pretty place.

But it had to drop a little more before it could move on...

That's OK... I'm in no hurry... We'll give it another day, maybe two, for the weather to clear... before we start to make our move for Zion...

That's not a long haul really, but, we'll use two days to make it. Somewhere, past Page, we'll find a wide spot. A quiet spot, and lay up for the night. Our only other decision being, do we try to go straight to a boondocking camp? or maybe use the Watchman camp IN Zion for a night or two... while we find the camp? Time will tell...

*Storm and Sun... in Competition*
*Sun Breaks through to Warm the Snow Crusted Grass*
But... that'll all wait another day or two... while the ground drys out a little... so we don't have to wade and wallow through a sea of mud to get back to the pavement... which is juuuuuuust on the other side of those junipers.... so near and yet so far. :)

Yup... one of the minor dangers of RV Boondocking... The weather... You have to decide... "Do We haul out before it comes?... or... Do we wait after, for things to settle and the "roads" to firm up, before we can move?"

Me?... Done both... can't say one beats the other... depends on the mood at the time I suppose... but... if you are going to just wait out the weather... better make sure you have plenty of propane, water, groceries... and...

...beer! make sure you have beer! :)

Waiting on a solid road...

Return to the main site of goin' RV Boondocking or Visit my Sister website Motorcycle Touring on Freedom Road

1 comment:

Gaelyn said...

If you take 89A, not thru Page but towards Jacob lake, not far past Cliff Dwellers on the left are a couple options for BLM boondocking. Including plenty of space to turn around. On 89 past Page the Lone Rock (maybe a state park) on Lake Powell is cheap and you park on the beach.

Zion ought to be nice. There's some spots west of the park off 9 and along the Virgin River. Don't forget about the tunnel size at Zion's east entrance.

Enjoy your time waiting for the melt and dry.