Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ever Closer to the House Sale...

After the past couple of years... we're in that 'place' where... we want to start gettin' excited... but just keep workin' at NOT. :-)

THIS contract FEELS real... it FEELS like it's stronger... but bein' a natural born cynic :-) I'm at the point of holdin' my breath...

There is a problem with that though... Uh... we got a whole month left before we close... so I better find something to do ... right... that keeps my mind on other things, or I'll be in no shape to do anything when we are clear!

The RV Remodel is sort of in suspended animation, waitin' on Home Despot to haul in that last box of flooring I need... I expect to get a call today or tomorrow... I'm Hopin'!

and... as you can see... The Blog Remodel is movin' along as well... I'm slowly trying to get the 'RV Daily Blog' moved over to this page... I'm likely gonna keep on posting some notices on the other page getting folks to move over to here... and Bookmark this one... and then... I'll start 'converting' that'n to it's New Purpose...

I also have to go through the work of trying to fire up another page for the foundation of a Boondocking Campsite list... I think... 'cause I Think the way I'm seein' to do that would be a useful thing

So... I may not be movin' real fast... but I ain't sittin' on my hands neither! :-)
Later Folks

Till then;

Take Good Care

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