Sunday, March 2, 2014

One More Day

It's been a weird race week. It's like there's a strange "vibe" moving around through people impossible to explain. It even resulted in some well defined "frictions" within the crews working the race...

... or possibly that one or two egos over impressed with themselves, that were given a small amount of power, got a mite out of control. Etiquette restrains me to ambiguity ... (haven't used fancy words like that in a while!)

Suffice it to say that there are those who are motivated by being part of a team... and those that are driven by a bully mentality and to show that they are top dog... and when that sort runs into those who won't be bullied or allow them to get away with their nonsense... there's smoke and sparks!

The weatherman predicted a huge storm to hit us with up to an inch of rain... turned out to be mostly huffin' and puffin'... Nothing much happened fri/sat night, just a few drips in the morning which was supposed to be the big blow... and then nothing appreciable until real late Saturday...

... now that got stiff enough to finally call the race with something like 20 laps left... and a good soaking rain that had already emptied the stands in the track...

So, with that mostly past us we now only have a day of haulin' Nascar butts left.

Heidi will fly back to the Front Range and her store on Tuesday... and I'll start rolling the rig on a long, very slow migration north. Hoping to get to the eastern side of the Rockies... After... the last snow...

 Ya'll know how well my planning works out generally... so it's likely to be a tail of the winter spring.

Starting to look north

*edited; because going in circles for ten hours or so you start getting days confused...


Box Canyon said...

But the last snow doesn't come till june !!! Better take your time. :)
Is Heidi going to run the store this summer…all summer?

john said...

brian hope you had your rain gear ready ..lots of it coming east with the snow and cold ..stay warm and dry ..

gypsycowboy said...

Mark; I believe that's the plan
John; Yup. Always have the gear ready... just don't want to have to use "snow" gear!