Friday, August 23, 2013

I Don't Know Why...

Maybe it's only a natural acceleration.

I love the writing creation of a story. The characters become "real" in my head. I see their faces and hear their voices as they struggle. I don't invent their words and reactions, they speak them to me.

It's akin to a movie reel spinning behind my eyes. All I have to do is write down a description of the scene.  I swear I can smell the dust, feel the breeze, the gunfire, their breathing, the look in their eyes...

I suspect that some might judge me worthy of commitment to a pro-feshun-uhl insti-too-shun. :)

"He needs to get locked up! The man is seeing things and hearing voices!"

What I don't understand, and maybe it's that natural acceleration, but, the first half of a story always seems to take the longest. Sometimes the light for the movie reel runs low and things slow down...

But then as things start coming together, like a freight train running out of control down a mountain... it all just starts flying along. From working hard for two thousand word days... the reel starts spinning at a speed my fingers can't keep up on the keyboard. When I look down, four thousand have appeared in less time than those other pair of thousands took!

I started Shadow on the Mountain in earnest, if I remember correctly, last November or December. That momentum I speak of shaped near 20,000 words in about the past ten days to finish the book. If my mathematical abilities are anywhere close to what my idea is, that's a little more than 1/5th of the book in 'bout 1/10th of the time of the other 4/5ths...

... or... I'm just stringin' a bunch of words together to tell ya'll it's done and heading into...

... where the WORK begins. :)

Which I am hard at!

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