Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A Less Than Shiny Day in Boondocking Heaven!

Aw crap! This day just ain't startin' out truly shiny!

Ever get the idea that some folks just don't see the humor in life? geeze...

Yeah... me too.

and I gotta tell ya'll... those cars with the flashin' gumball machines bolted on the roof might look big...

... but ya'll can take it from a lil' guy... Them big Ol' cruisers are crowded inside!

And they ain't got upholstery or nuthin'! Those back seats are nuthin' but hardbottom plastic!

My lil' behind requires more comfort then that!

Well heck... what's life without a lil' adventure huh?  yup... just keeps gettin' better'n better...

In the Pokey?

 ***edit*** Yeah... It's a prank :) Too bad for all of you waiting on a Juicy story! ha ha! I'm too sweet and even tempered an old gypsy buster to get myself arrested! :)

My brother-in-law is a Volunteer in Maricopa county for Highway safety; They patrol the roads for breakdowns, dangerous situations, accident assistance etc. I was working on the rig when the DPS car pulled in to replace some equipment that had been stored in his shop... What can I say... after that video I made a year or so ago you should know when you're bein' set up ;) It was juuuuust TOO good an opportunity to let slide ;) 

For educational purposes... 
1. Take a look at the car... Yellow lights only on the Gumball machine?...
2. No weapon on the "Cop" ...
3. It's an Arizona DPS car... but no "Smoky" hat on the trooper...
4. And... don't tell my brother-in-law... but that "Cop" has a few too many years on him to be an active duty patrol officer :)

Oh yeah... and down at the bottom of the post? the "Tongue in cheek" Tag!!! :)

... till next time! ;)


Box Canyon said...

I knew those speeding tickets would catch up to you!!!
Box Canyon Mark

Loree said...

I can't wait to hear the story that goes with this one.

klbexplores said...

Here's hoping this was a staged photo opt for our benefit!

bill said...

Brian arrested?
Nah it couldn't be true!

Cindy Kingma said...

Its called a 'cliff hanger' to get comments, right??! LOL

Cindy Kingma said...

Its called a 'cliff hanger' to get comments, right??! LOL

lostAnnfound said...

I'm looking forward to hearing this story also!

Patricia C. O'Neill said...

and the paparazzi's were here to catch the moment!!! also looking forward to hear the story ;)