Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Frugal Plans and Fences... Stalked by Reality

Like the Wild Geese, and the elk up in Wyoming... Our migration with the seasons rolls on.

Like a flower growing up amongst the weeds... We formed a plan... Some flowers flourish... and others get lost in the tangle...

The plan is to hold down the distance of our migration a little this year... and see if we can't beef up the microscopic pad in our budget. We'll see. I remember "other" plans...

 It seems that the surest way to blow a let's hold mileage down idea clear off the map... is to make a PLAN  to cut your mileage.

As the ink is drying on the map where you lined out your shorter, pragmatic, travels... your eye starts wandering out and peeking over the fence along the fringe of your marked out area... just over the line...

Pretty soon your Minds Eye, has jumped the barrier and is in fifth gear, high balling for the far off lands you  haven't been to in a bit... you're grinning like a coke head with a fresh fix that just made a daring jail break...

...and the foundation under your Reduced RV Mileage plan is crumbling like high, cut banks along a mountain creek...

 So... You've got a plan?
*You got a Plan?... Sure you do...*

Well... Luck with that... Ya'll is gonna need it ;) 'cause if I'm not mistaken... that sound you just heard is LIFE sneakin' up on your PLAN.

Come the fall we'll all know what become of...The Plan!

Hell, we already started dentin' the thing... like a badger trying to get out of a trash can... everybody standing outside watchin' the sides bulge and stretch...

The PLAN had us going from where we are now... To Chaco Canyon... in NW New Mexico... and then bump north a lil, and mostly staying around the Mtn. country of Western Colorado this summer... maybe a touch of NE Utah...

Well... if we're goin' there... and we want to drop in from the north on the Shorter of the dirt road access roads... We might as well go by way of Monument Valley, that's just over west a bit... Right?

Hey!...IF... we're already gon' be in Monument Valley... it's just a short hop, a lil farther west, over to Zion... and we could maybe see the Weeping Wall in Bloom, since every other visit has always been too early or too late...

Now... with that logical process at work... our "Plan" could have us floating kayaks on the Bearing Sea before Labor Day!

Ahhhhhh.... my head aches from replanning plans... I think I'll go sit in a laundromat and soak up some culture...

Doing Demolition Work on Frugal Planning

1 comment:

Cindy Kingma said...

LOL! You are the embodiment of the phrase "best laid PLANS of mice and men"....LOL
You just can't help yourself, I see. I love the part about soaking up some culture in the laundromat. Years' old magazines if you're lucky, not to mention the people watching that can go on there...LOL
Have a great day otherwise!